Motivation - Dealing with different behaviours within a group

5 important questions on Motivation - Dealing with different behaviours within a group

Distinguish the two sets of behavior

  • Task orientated behaviour
  • socially orientated behaviour

Task orientated behaviour

These behaviours are focussed on the different tasks people are doeing which are being supported by the group

Name a list of examples of task behaviour

initiatior - proposes new ideas to deal with challenges
opinion giver - provides information, values and feelings
coordinator - shows relationships , possible solutions and ideas
evaluator - questions the group's or the leaders ideas and procedures
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Name a list of social behaviour examples

Encourager - supports and rewards others
Harmonisor - mediates in conflicts
Follower - accepts ideas of others
Group process observer- comments on the groups process

Name different types of social support

  • Emotional support

- rewarding and encouraging
- listening to problems and sharing feelings
  • Informal support

- Giving ideas and advice
- Explaining how to perform a task
  • Task support

- Helping someone with a task
  • Belonging

- Expressing acceptance and approval

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