Risks - Risk management process in adventure tourism

3 important questions on Risks - Risk management process in adventure tourism

There are 4 types of  strategies used to determine what to do depending on the risks, name these:

high frequency + low consequences = reduce risks
low frequency + low consequences = retain risks
high frequency + high consequences = avoid risks
low frequency + high consequences = transfer risks/ abort or change

Name a few safety measures

  • well qualified and skilled activity leaders
  • good management, supporting the safety needs of the employees
  • collect information about weather forcast
  • collect information about other potential hazards
  • ensure excellent communication with partners
  • ensure that all participants have covered their basic needs
  • keep record of participants including emergency contacts
  • keep record of previous dangerous situations
  • have an emergency response plan
  • post emergency contact numbers
  • procedure to evaluate hazards

Risk management documentation generally concists of 4 parts

  1. General business (organogram, insurance details, crisis plan )
  2. Trip planning (all the relevant details about an activity are being dealh with)
  3. Staff training (important protocols and procedures have to be mentioned)
  4. Client training/informing (adventure clients also have to know what to do during hazards)

* these four parts of risk management documentation are essential for companies who want to be prepared for negative events

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