Motivation - The importance of motivation

3 important questions on Motivation - The importance of motivation

How does social loafing exists?

It is a result from a feeling that some people become "free riders" because they do not believe that their individual efforts are important or valued by the others

Name factors which cause social loafing

  1. it is not clear what the individual contributions of the group members are
  2. individuals do not expect their personal contribution to be seen
  3. individuals do not expect that a lesser effort will be punished
  4. when the effort made is not going to be of significance
  5. Wether they make an effort or not wil not affect the end result
  6. members do not feel responsible for the end result
  7. when the task in uninteresting
  8. the group does not feel committed to the task
  9. lack of cohesion in the group
  10. lack of interdependence

How can social loafing be prevented ?

  1. Making individual contribution visible
  2. giving feedback when less effort is made by the individuals
  3. avoiding the assignment of meaningless tasks
  4. giving the individuals responsibility untill the task has been completed
  5. keeping tasks interesting
  6. increasing the level of commitment to a task
  7. involving group members in deciding what to do
  8. encouraging cohesion in the group
  9. increacing interdependence in the task

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