Group Dynamics - Defining and structuring procedures

12 important questions on Group Dynamics - Defining and structuring procedures

What should the leader do in the first phase of group development?

The leader must be clear about the matters. I'ts important to set down the ground rules and establish his power and status in the group.

Group goals are very important in the first phase of group development, is this true ore false?

  1. Because the groupmembers can be steered in the right direction
  2. Members know what they are aiming for , which acts as a motivator
  3. It wil make it easier for groups to resolve any conflicts
  4. Group members can be assesed in a fairere and more effective manner

It is likely hat the level of stres is lower in a group which knows what is expected of them, is this true or false?

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Positive interdependence, what does this mean?

Onderlinge samenhang
English translation: Positive interdependence works on the basis of being dependent on others in order to reach common goals

Which formes of positive interdependence are there?

"I can only achieve my goals if you achieve yours"
  1. Positive goal interdependence
  2. Positive resource interdependence - everyone different sources bringing together
  3. Positive task interdependence - first your task, than his task
  4. Positive reward interdependence - group celebrates succes
  5. Positive entironmentel interdependence -
  6. Positive identity interdependence - name, flag, motto, song
  7. Positive role interdependence - each member different role

Positive goal interdependence

This is when group members are forced to work together in order to achieve their goals. F.E The leader of the group can set a goal that all members of a hiking trip must reach camp before it is dark.

Positive resource interdependence

This occures when the resources are divided in such a way that a group must work together in order to achieve the end goal. This could include. F.E on a cycling trip when some members have a map and others have a compass both of which must be used.

Positive task interdependence

When the completion of different tasks are dependent on each other in order for the end goal to be achieved. F.E when preparing a meal, one member is responsible  for gathering the firewood... etc. in such a construction that if one member does not completes his tasks then it will not be posible for any of the members to enjoy the meal. The end result will not be completed.

Positive reward interdependence

Occurs when rather than giving individuals rewards for the first to the top of a mountain or the best skier rewards are given if the entire group reaches the top before a certain time.

Positive environmental interdependence

This is when a group must work together as they have little other choice due to their suroundings e.g. in a mountain range or in adverse weahter conditions. F.E in a mountain range or in adverse weather conditions.

What are the three important things during the phase "Defining and structuring procedures?

  • Procedures 
  • Group goals - these are important because it guides for action, motivate behavior, basis for resolving conflicts and needed for assesment and evaluation.
  • Organisation - positive interdependence

Positive interdependence results in promotive interaction name a few examples

  • Assisting team members
  • Exchange resources
  • Effective feedback
  • Active and critical listening
  • Encouriging effort of others so increasing own effort
  • Using influence
  • Trust
  • Motivation
  • Connstant re-assesment of group performance

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