Motivation - Motivating group members in adventure trips

4 important questions on Motivation - Motivating group members in adventure trips

How can a leader ensure to make a task meaningful?

1. that the task is not monotonous, by making use of different skills the task will remain interesting rather than dull.

2. the group must feel that the task matters and it has to be clear to them what will happen if its not completed or not properly. If they don't know what will happen they will likely to have less motivation.

To increase motivation and prevent social loafing due to evaluation and rewards a leader could...

give feedback on how well a task has been completed, by this the level of motivation will increase.

Positive feedback can be seen as a valued reward.

Goals in relation to increase motivation and prevent social loafing

Group goals help to provide direction and motivation for the group. Clear goals support motivation by leading to increased effort, better planning and increased commitment.
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Motivation is in adventure tourism is important because

1. The more the members are motivated, the more they do their best to make the whole experience a succes. and to creat a great experience for everybody.
2. most of the time adventure tourism last long and this means that de participants depend on each other.

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