Status and Power - Power

6 important questions on Status and Power - Power

Power is not owned by an indivudual but is given by the group, is this true or false?


There are bases forms of power to be distinquished which are they?

- Position power
- Personal power

What is legitimate power?

A person with legitimate power is seen as having the right to tell others what to do due to an official position or title which they hold wether this is an adventure instructor explaining "techniques" or a mountain guide giving "orders"
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What is reward power ?

This is the power to give others some kind of award for their achievements.
Its rewarding because of the position power a leader holds. The reward must be something which the indivudual values otherwise there will be no motivation to receive this reward.

What is coercive power?(dwang)

Coercive power should not be used excessively!
The use of coercive power could be strongly resisted especially if people feel their freedom is being compromised.

When is it advisable to use (strong) coercive power?

  1. The use of strong coercive power may be advisable when a potential danger is about to be avoided
  2. It is important for a leader to punish individuals who purposefully ignore these safety issues

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