Adventure supply - The adventure sector dealing with seasonality

6 important questions on Adventure supply - The adventure sector dealing with seasonality

Seasonality can be a problem why?

Because the full potential is not being used throughout a year and this can be a problem for both the company as the local community

There are different kinds of seasonality explain

  1. single peak - when in one or a few months (e.g summer) the tourist outnumber the tourist in other months/seasons
  2. multiple peak - when during the year there ar two or more seasons of visitors
  3. peaks in realation to holidays- e.g during christmas, everybody takes vacation at the same time
  4. non- peak patterns- this occurs usually in urban settings and there basically no seasonality.

Name causes of seasonality at the destination (receiving area)

- Climate : some activities are dependent on snow, which is not there throughout the year.
- Special events which are organized :these events can create a tourism flow to the destination only at that event.
- Global warming (Does not cause it but it has an influence on the length of seasons): winter seasons will be shorter and summer seasons longer
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Seasonality has positive and negative effects name the positive consequences

  1. Economic benefit
  2. In the low season there can be perceived a release in stress and time to improve or repair the infrastructure or adventure facilities
  3. The surroundings have a change to "recover"

Seasonality has negative consequences name them

  1. Seasonal crowding can be perceived negtive for the local community
  2. Seasonal workers who are unemployed during the off season
  3. The effect of number 2. can also be a problem to find good workers if it's only for one part of the year.

Name a few cures for seasonality

  • product diversification - ski slopes will be mountainbike lifts
  • diversify the market - organise activities in the off season for another target market (e.g in the off season for retired people)
  • Attracting people to festivals or events in the low season
  • Lower the price in the off season
  • Make use of students as workers in the off season to avoid high costs on employees
  • seasonal closure

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