Marketing - Loyalty in adventure tourism

5 important questions on Marketing - Loyalty in adventure tourism

Loyalty (in AT) consists of two major characteristics which are:

1. Active loyalty - Adventure tourism client booking a next trip through the same company as he has done before
2. Passive loyalty - an adventure tourist recommending the company to other people

How can marketeers influence loyalty?

1. by given reduction
2. an incenctive for clients who reccommend the company to others.

Why is loyalty of greater importance during adventure tourism than for other sorts of tourism?

Because during the trips people have to:
  1. depend on each other
  2. trust on  each other
  3. they are more likely to make social connections because of activities that are being done together for a long time.
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What is the essence of integrated marketing communication?

The essence is that each marketing medium communicates to the potential customer in the same way. This is done in order to build a consistent brand to the customer.

What will happen to the companies who succeed to implement integrated marketing? name few results..

1. they obtain greater promotional effectivenes at lower costs
2. they are more likely to grow their market share

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