Operations - Introduction to risk and safety

7 important questions on Operations - Introduction to risk and safety

Which three components of marketing are the most visible for the tourist

- Marketing
- The actual operations/ actual activity

About the Transformation model. What is mentioned in the output phase?

The output is the expected and changed client, the customers pays for the experience so that he will be more experienced and satisfied after the trip.

Type of operations. All operations can be analysed by the transformation model, and they can be categorised by four criteria..the 4 V's name these

  1. volume
  2. variety
  3. variation in demand
  4. visibility
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Explain one of te 4 v's Volume  (high volume - low volume)

This has to do with how many different activities are being offered.

Tailor made excursion = LOW volume, because it's one tailor made excursion
Adventure park = HIGH volume because they offer standardised activities for many different individuals.

* If the activity is standardised the volume is large, because everytime its being offered it's the same.

Explain one of the 4 v's Variety (high variety - low variety)

This factor had to do with the possibility of changing an activity.

Tailor made excursion = HIGH variety because it's able to change the activity (or abort) because of weather circumstances or skills of the participants

Adventure park = LOW, because if the activity is standardised and aimed to attract big groups of people the variety of activities is generally low.

Explain one of the 4 v's Variation in demand ( high vid - low vid)

This factor concerns the variation in demand of a target market.

Adventure park = LOW variation of demand
Tailor made excursion = HIGH variation of demand
-> when the targeted adventurers have different objectives the adventure company needs to adjust the offer all the time.

Explain one of the 4 v's Visibility (high visibility - low visibility )

This factor answers the question if the adventure is visible or if the adventure is low in visibility, e.g employees, or having a standardised system.

Adventure park = LOW visibility, because for example the use of self-guided trips
Tailor made excursion = HIGH visibility because they make use of an experienced guide.

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