Reward sensitvity and motivation - mies, water, buitelaar & scheres (2018) waiting and working for reward

21 important questions on Reward sensitvity and motivation - mies, water, buitelaar & scheres (2018) waiting and working for reward

What do patients with attention deficit and hyperactive disorder (ADHD) show?

They show greater preference for small immediate rewards over larger delayed rewards

How is the preference for small immediate rewards examined

By delay discounting> a decrease of subjective value of the large reward as a function of increasing delay.
ADHD patients show more negative emotions during waiting times, which leads to an escape delay.

It is found that increased amygdala and insula activations might account for the negative emotions during waiting times. Why is this?

Because individuals attend more to cues predicting delay and they anticipate an increased length. These delay related cues are of heightened emotional value and salient to ADHD patients
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What is the aim of present study

To examine whether altered discounting behavior in adolescents with ADHD is limited to delayed rewards, or whether it represents insensitivity to reward magnitude

What is expected in this study looking at delay aversion en reward insensitivity

If delay aversion is the primary factor involved in steep DD in ADHD, then group differences are expected for DD but not ED.

if reward insensitivity is an important factor, or if ADHD is associated with effort aversion, then we would expect to see steep discounting in ADHD also for ED.

What is the ED condition is this study

The anterior cingulate cortex and anterior insula appeared to track the devaluation of rewards that require more effort

What is the DD condition of this study

Striatum (VS), ventromedial prefrontal cortex and lateral prefrontal cortex value larger delayed rewards

What were the expectation of this study

1) adolescents with ADHD would show steeper DD than controls, but similair ED
2) find group differences in the neutral system underlying DD, but not underlying ED
3) aberrant activation of the VS, vmPFC, LPFC, posterior cingulate cortex and posterior parietal cortex in response to delay related reward cues in ADHD groups.
4) effort related reward cues, activation of the ACC and anterior insula, no group differences
5) adolescents with ADHD would show increased amygdala and insula activation during the experience of delay during effort exertion , no group differences.

What is the method of this study

- 34 ADHD patients and 32 controls, who are matched on age and gender

- had to complete various delay and effort trials with maximal 3 effort trials in a row. 4 sessions of 49 trails and 8 catch trials were incluced to check potential response strategies.

- participand had to squeeze the handgrip until a thermometer was filled up to the required level of effort, while the thermometer remained fixed during delay trials.

Which three steps did the procedure include

1) experience session in the scanner and estimated the duration of each delay in seconds, indicated on 9 point scales how long each delay felt to them

2) visual analogue scale how much they liked receiving the different rewards, how much difficulty they experienced with waiting during the delays and with reaching the different levels of effort.

3) valence and arousal self assessment manikin dimensions

What were the results of this study on behavior

Results on behavior dimension showed that ADHD patients discounted delayed rewards more than controls but did not depend on delay level.
physical effort was discounted, no age effects were found and delayed regards were discounted more than effortful rewards.

ADHD group showed steeper discounting than controls during DD only

What were the results of this study on fMRI- decision phase

ADHD group showed more activation close to the posterior part of the corpus collosum and the anterior corona frontal gyrus during delay choices than effort choices
while the control group showed the opposite i.e. More activation in these regions during effort than delay choices.

What were the results on the cost enduring phase

When increasing delay and effort levels, the amgydala was more active in the ADHD group than in controls, especially in delay condition. Also, the delay aversion was associated with an increased delay dose-response relationship in the amygdala for the ADHD patients

The aim of the present study was to dissociate the contribution of delay aversion and altered reward sensitvity to steep DD, which is often found in ADHD. What is found in this study regarding to this aim

ED was included to examine whether steep discounting in adolescents with ADHD is limited to DD, or if it also occurs during ED.
This would suggest that not only delay aversion, but also altered sensitivity to reward magnitude might play a role in DD

Which is more associated with steep discounting in ADHD (delay aversion or reward sensitivity)

Delay aversion

ADHD group scored higher on daily life delay aversion than the control group

What did the ADHD group show in the results

- delay aversion rather than altered reward sensitivity is associated with steeper discounting in ADHD.

- ADHD group scored higher on daily life delay aversion than control group. No difference between group on reward sensivitiy

- ADHD group showed a stronger delay dose-response relationship was found in the amgydala with increasing delay aversion scores.
- ADHD sample more impulsive and delayed averse than our controls.

- more sadness was reported for ADHD patients during waiting
- no support for decreased motivation to wait or work for rewards due to decreased sensitivity to reward magnitude in ADHD.

More sadness was reported for ADHD patients during waiting. What do the researchers give as reason for this?

These results might be due to a lack of mental strategies to deal with (boredom of) waiting or more difficulty with having to put actions on hold.

Which brain areas had a decreased activation during delay choices in ADHD patients

Frontal striatal and frontal cerebellar networks

What did researchers found in ADHD patients in amygdala

The ADHD group showed a slightly stronger delay dose response relationship than control in the amygdala and a stronger emotional response in delay-averse adolescents with ADHD during waiting times were found.

Which question is still unanswered after this study

What causes delay aversion and why is it more likely to occur in ADHD

What was the conclusion of this research

Adolescents with ADHD discount rewards associated with delay but not with effort more than controls.
Furthermore, a stronger delay dose-response relationship in the amygdala during waiting for those who reported being more delay averse in daily life was found

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