Gross & Jazaieri (2014)

22 important questions on Gross & Jazaieri (2014)

Where does problematic emotional intensity refer to

Either too large or too small response

How is social anxiety disorder related to problematic emotional intensity

Involves high levels of distress occasioned by the possibility of being evaluated by others, which means hyperreactivity to specific negative emotions

How is antisocial personality disorder related to problematic emotional intensity

Reckless disregard for oneself and others, a failure to conform, agressiveness, irritability, impulsivity, irresponsibility, lack of remorse
hyporeactivity of positive emotions
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How is major depressive disorder related to problemtic emotional intensity

Includes an excess of negative emotions as well as a deficit of positive emotions.
hyporeactivity of positive emotions
hyperreactivity of negative emotions

What does problematic emotional duration hold

Occurs when emotions are either too short or too long for a particular situation

How is specific phobia and problematic emotional duration correlated

Extended durations of negative emotions

specific phobia; unreasonable fear when anticipating or in the presence of feared object

How is PTSD and problematic emotional duration correlated

Persistent, involuntary re-experiencing of a previously experienced traumatic event. Decrease in the experience (form of duration) of positive emotions

How is borderline personality disorder and problematic emotional duration correlated

A situation often will provoke a severe adverse emotional reaction that will last for hours or even days longer than healthy reaction time

What does problematic emotion frequency entail

Experience of emotions too frequently or too infrequently

How is intermittent explosive disorder correlated with problematic emotion frequency

Negative emotions occurring too frequently

How is dysthymia correlated with problematic emotion frequency

Depressed mood for more days than not and for two years or longer.

How is autism correlated with problematic emotion frequency

Persistent deficits in social interaction and communication
these deficits sometims take the form of too infrequent emotions or too frequent occurring emotions such as high frequency of temper

What do they mean with problematic emotion type

Is problematic for the individual in which emotional disturbances affect a wide range of emotion processes such as the display of odd or inappropriate emotions

What is needed to change problematic emotions

A) helps to have an awareness of the emotion and the relevant context
B) knowlegde of one's short and long term goals
C) skillful choice and implementation of emotion regulatory strategies to get from one's current state to one's desired goal state

Awareness of one's emotion falicitates adaptive emotion regulation, but more awareness is not always better. Why not, give examples?

- panic disorder: teveel awareness van emotie
- bulimia nervose: teveel bezig met eigen lichaam en bewustzijn hiervan

Which kind of disorder has an dysfunctional emotional regulatory goals?

Bipolar 1 disorder.
this disorder is characterized by a period of abnormal and persistently elevated expansive or irritable mood.
manic - depressive stages

Which factors are relevant when choosing the appropriate emotion regulation strategy to use in a particular context

1) overall differential effectiveness, which states that strategies vary in terms of their effectiveness.
2) availability of resources needed to successfully employ a particular form of emotion regulation
3) intensity of the emotion that needs to be regulated

Which implementation components are necessary to use the emotion regulation strategy adaptive

1) goal schielding
2) goal flexibility

What is goal schielding

Refers to protecting the emotion regulatory goal from other competing goals

What is goal flexibility

Refers to adjusting the emotion regulation goal if needed as the situation changes

Why is ADHD correlated with implementing emotion dysregulation goals

ADHD is characterized by being easily distracted, poor concentration and lack of attention. Might have problems consistently implementing emotion regulation goals possibly because of problems with goal shielding in lgith of powerful impact of bottom up effects

What are the challenges of treatment targetting problems with emotion and emotion regulation

1) the clarification of the mechanism of action within each of these treatments
2) improvement of existing treatments. 
3) most individuals who would benefit from clinical interventions do not receive them in a timely fashion

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