Armstrong & Olatunji (eye tracking of attention in affective disorders)

38 important questions on Armstrong & Olatunji (eye tracking of attention in affective disorders)

What has been a key mechanism in theoretical accounts of affective disorders?

Attentional biases for emotional stimuli

What has been hypotheses looking at the difference between anxiety and depression

In research on depression it has been hypothesized that an attentional bias for dysphoric stimuli operates at later, more voluntary stages of processing than the attentional bias for a threat in anxiety

Further insight into the time course and components of attentional bias may require a broader set of tools for measuring attention. What do they mean with this?

Literature on attentional biases for emotional stimuli in affective disorders is composed mostly of studies using reaction time measures of attention.
> some limitations of RT measures

> that is why some researchers have turned to eye tracking technology
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What is eye tracking technology

Eye tracking systems sample gaze direction and provide continuous measure of attentional selection performed via eye movements.

In between EM's, further selection can be accomplished with covert attention. What do they mean with covert attention

Shifts in acuity that occur without reorienting gaze

Anxiety and the working of this in the attention field is best understood in the context of Posner's model on spatial visual attention. Give the details of posners model

In this model, a shift mechanism orients attention from one location to another, while distinct engage and disengage mechanisms hold and release attention between shifts

What is the difference between the vigilance hypothesis and maintenance hypothese (of Posners model)

Vigilance; posits that individuals with anxiety disorders detect threats more easily and thus orient attnetion towards threat more often.

- anxiety disorder; lower detection thresholds for threatening stimuli, which leads to increased orienting towards the threat.

MAINTENANCE hypothesis;
has been articulated mostly concerning the goal-directed system of attention which selects and maintains focus on stimuli according to ongoing plans resulting in voluntary endogenous shifts of attention as well as the inhibition of exogenous shifts of attention to distracting stimuli

What is the difference in prediction between maintenance and vigilance hypothesis

Whereas the vigilance hypothesis predicts facilitation of exogenous shifts of attention toward the threat, the maintenance hypothesis predicts impairment of endogenous shifts of attention away from a threat, due to difficulty disengaging attention from the threat

Which three central executive functions involved in endogenous attention control does attention control theory specifies

- inhibition
- shifting
- updating

To which central executive function would it relate when a patient has difficulty disengaging attention from a threat in anxiety

Inhibition function of the central excutive

The hypotheses have somewhat different implications for the possible role of attentional biases in the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disorders. What is the difference in implications of the hypothesis

- vigilance hypothesis; suggests that attentional biases may increase state anxiety by causing increased awareness of threats and over time may increase estimates of vulnerability to a threat

- maintenance; suggests that attentional biases may increase state anxiety by maintaining cognitive resources by threatening objects or thoughts.

What is the difference in attentional avoidance and viligance/maintenance biases?

- attentional avoidance is believed to be voluntary and strategic

- vigilance/maintenance; involuntary and automatic

How is attention seen in depression

Negative affective causes increased attention to negative stimuli.
difficulty demonstrating an attentional bias in depression.

Attentional bias in depression may be a product of ..

Ruminative cognitive style, in which depressed individuals dwell on dysphoric, self relevant content in an attempt to work through symptoms or learn from failures

What has been studies on attention of people with depression

- depressed individuals may begin voluntarily but may eventuallu attempt to disengage attention from dysphoric content yet fail to endogenously shift attention elsewhere.

- insensitivity to reward in the stimulus driven system

- attentional control deficits have been observed in depression > high in rumination and in the presence of emotional stimuli

What does the emotionally hypothesis say about depression

Posits that the stimulus driven system in anxious individuals is hypersensitive to all motivationally relevant events, leading to biases for positive stimuli in addition to negative stimuli

What remains unsolved despite a lot of research

Key issues in theoretical accounts of attentional bias such as the components of attentional bias in anxiety and the nature of attentional bias in depression.

What are the advances of eye tracking method

- EMS can be recorded more or less continuously; provides a remarkable increase in the efficiency of measuring attention

- allows precise observation of multiple components within a single trial, and also provides multiple parameters of each components.

What are the advances of eye tracking method

- EMS can be recorded more or less continuously; provides a remarkable increase in the efficiency of measuring attention

- allows precise observation of multiple components within a single trial, and also provides multiple parameters of each components.

Eye tracking studies vary considerably in terms of the experimental parameters and operational definitions of attentional bias employed. Some methodological variances can be accounted for by the presence of two distinct types of tasks. Which two?

- free viewing tasks; attentional biases are not measured in relation to performance on a task or searching for a target

- visual search tasks; require participants to search an array of stimuli in order to determine as quickly and accurately as possible if a criterion is met, ususally whether or not a stimulus is present.

What are the operational definitions of vigilance and maintenance of attention in studies of anxiety

Free viewing studies; operational definitions of vigilance have focused on the initial orienting of gaze stimulus at stimulus onset. Overt orieting in free viewing tasks appears to reflect exogenous cueing of attention

visual search tasks; vigilance and maintenance hypotheses are tested in seperate visual search conditions. To asses facilitated detection of a threat, a threatening stimulus is presented as the target in an array of non-threatening distracters.

What are the eye movement indicators of attentional bias in depression

Eye tracking research on attentional bias in depression has mainly employed the free viewing tasks used in anxiety disorder research, but with longer stimulus presentations.

Although the vigilance hypothesis has been less prominent in theoretical accounts of depression, many of these studies have reported the same indicator of vigilance found in studies of anxiety.

Which two primary aims does meta analysis have

1) first aim was to examine the components of overt atttentional bias for a threat in anxiety and to summarize the theoretical implications of these findings.

2) second aim was to examine attentional biases for emotional stimuli in depression and to constrast these effects with those observed in anxiety, when possible

How is the first aim of meta analysis of eye tracking done with vigilance hypothese

Was tested by examining intial orieting towards the threat in free viewing tasks and facilitated dection of a threat in visual search tasks.

How is the first aim of meta analysis of eye tracking done with maintenance hypothesis

Was tested by examing initial maintenance of gaze on threates in free viewing tasks and distraction by threats in visual search tasks.

Which hypothesis were tested with depressed individuals

- the hypothesis that depressed individuals show increased elaborative processing of negative stimuli was tested and the specificity of this bias to dysphoric stimyli was assessed by examing elaborative processing of threatening stimuli.

depressed individuals show reduced elaborative processing of positive stimuli was tested.

What were the results in the vigilance hyotheses; free viewing task

- anxious individuals initially oriented gaze toward a threat more frequently than non-anxious individuals. No difference from non anxious individuals in orienting towards pleasant stimuli

- depressed individuals did not show an orienting bias towards the threat (not significant to non depressed individuals)
depressed individuals are oriented towards pleasant stimuli less compared to non-depressed individuals

What were the results in the maintance hypothesis of free viewing tasks

- anxious individuals did not differ overall in their initial maintence of gaze on a threat compared to non anxious individuals.

type of anxiety disorder significantly moderated group differences in initial maintenance of gaze on the threat.

What were the results of extended maintenance of gaze in depression

Depressed individuals did not maintain gaze on threatening stimuli differently than non depressed individuals during extended viewing. However, depressed individuals maintained gaze on dysphoric stimuli longer than non depressed individuals.

maintained gaze on positive stimuli less than non depressed individuals

What were the results of the visual search tasks

Anxious individuals fixated on threatening targets faster, compared to non-anxious individuals. Anxious individuals maintained attention longer on threatening distractors compared to non anxious individuals

In which task was the vigilance hypothese supported in

In both free viewing and visual search tasks; anxious individuals were characterized by an orienting bias towards a threat during free viewing and facilitated dection of the threat during visual search.

An orienting bias for the threat in free viewing did not characterize depressed individuals compared to non depressed individuals. What does this suggest

That vigilance for the threat is specific to anxiety,

Why was the evidence for the maintenance hypothesis inconsistent

The increased initial maintenance of gaze on the threat was found onlu in studies of PTSD (free viewing studies)
however in visual search tasks anxious participants did show a tendency to maintain gaze longer on threatening distractors compared to non anxious participants

True or false

depressed individuals showed a blunted orienting response to pleasant stimuli compared to non depressed individuals. This bias is not seen in anxious individuals compared to non anxious individuals


An anhedonic bias was also observed. What do they mean with this

Was observed in the extended maintenance of gaze, where depressed individuals again showed reduced attention to pleasant stimuli. Depression individuals also showed increased maintenance of gaze on dysphoric stimuli, but not on threatening stimuli.

What were the gaze biases in anxiety compared to depression

Whereas a robust orienting bias towards a threat was found in anxiety, this was not found in depression. Covergent evidence from EM and RT measures suggests that anxiety and depression have distinct effects on the exogenous capture of attention

What is the difference between anxiety and depression in exogenous system towards a threatening stimuli

Anxiety appears to increase the exogenous system sensitivity to threatening stimuli, whereas depression appears to decrease the system sensitivity to positive stimuli.

What happens in tripartite structural theories of internalizing disorders

The development of anxiety and depression can be understood in terms of a general factor that confers risk both disorders, as well as disorder specific factors, such as anxious arousal or low positive affect.

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