The Information System: An Accountant's Perspective - The evolution of information system models

5 important questions on The Information System: An Accountant's Perspective - The evolution of information system models

What are three significant problems in the flat file environment?

- Data storage --> explain
- Data updating --> explain
- Currency of information --> explain
- Task-data dependency
- Flat files limit data integration

What is task-data dependency?

The user is unable to obtain additional information as his or her needs change , because the user's information set is constrained by the data he or she possesses and controls. New information needs tend to be satisfied by procuring new data files. This takes time, inhibits performance, adds to data redundancy, and drives data management costs even higher.

Why do flat files limit data integration?

The flat-approach is a single-view model, which structures, formats and arranges files to suit the specific needs of the owner or primary user of the data. Such structuring, however, may exclude data attributes that are useful to other users, thus preventing successful integration of data across the organization.

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What are the advantages of the database model over the flat-file approach?

- Elimination of data redundancy --> explain
- Single update --> explain
- Current values --> explain

Which systems are called traditional systems and why are they called so?

Flat-file and early database systems are called traditional systems because the organization's information systems applications function independently of each other rather than as an integrated whole.

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