Examquestions Lung

34 important questions on Examquestions Lung

Which cell or structure does NOT produce mucus in the airways? Club cell, Ciliated epithelial cell, mucosal gland or Goblet cell?

Ciliated epithelial cell

What makes breathing difficult in severe COVID19? Cytokine storm, Loss of bronchial epithelial cells, Thickining of the alveolar cells or Bacterial coinfection?

Thickening of the alveolar walls

What os consequence of emphysema? Having problems with getting air into the lung, Airtrapping leading to hyperinflation, Having problems with getting mucus out of the lungs or Airway narrowing and fibrosis of the alveolar walls?

Airtrapping leading to hyperinflation
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What evidence makes researchers believe women are more susceptible to the harmful effects of smoking? More smoking woman have osteoporosis, Lungs of smoking woman show more damage at an earlier age, more woman smoke or smoking woman cough more frequently?

Lungs of smoking woman show more damage at an earlier age

What is a key characteristic of obstructive lung diseases? Problems with getting air out of the lungs, shortness of breath, coughing or problems with getting air into the lungs?

Problems with getting air out of the lungs

What is characteristic of a severe bacterial infection in the lower airways? Hyperplasia of type || Cells, Hyaline membranes or Alveoli filled with immune cells?

Alveoli filled with immune cells

Chronic bronchitis mainly affects the...? Alveoli, airways, blood vessels or trachea?


What is the second phase of respiratory distress syndrome called? Organized phase, Fibrotic phase, Resolution phase or Exudative phase?

Organized phase

The treatment of severe COPD with one-way valves particularly works against? Hyperinflation, Loss of elasticity, Inflamed airways or Mucus production?


Which drug is effective in severe COVID19 and induces surfactant production in fetuses? Hydrochloroquin, Remdesivir, Paracetamol or Dexamethasone?


Which cell is most important in causing the early phase of an asthma attack? Neutrophil, Mast cell, Macrophage or Eosinophil?

Mast cell

A key chafracteristic of respiratory distress syndrome is ...? Hyaline membranes, Atelectasis, Excess mucus production or Bronchiectasis?

Hyaline membranes

What does carcinoma mean? Derived from epithelial cells, derived from mesenchymal cells, derived from myeloid cells or derived from club cells?

Derived from epithelial cells

Which cells and structures in this histology slide of lung tissue are labeled A, B and C?
A= Cilia, B= goblet cell, C= basal cell
A= Cilia, B= cilliated epithelial cell, C= basal cell
A= Mucus, B= goblet cell, C= cilliated epithelial cell
A= Mucus, B= cilliated epithelial cell, C= goblet cell

A = Cilia
B = Cilliated epithelial cell
C = Basal cell

What is a key characteristic of restrictive lung diseases?

Problems with getting air into the lungs


Shortness of breath

Problems with getting air out of the lungs

Problems with getiing air into the lung

Infection of which type of epithelial cells causes severe disease when infected with SARS-Cov-2?

Goblet cells

Club cells

Type I epithelial cells

Ciliated epithelial cells

Type | Epithelial cells

A cause of nonallergic asthma can be?
Exposure to animal dander, Influenza infection, Aspergillus infection or House dust mite exposure?

Aspergillus infection

Mesenthelioma mostly develop in which part of the lung?






What is the first phase of respiratory distress syndrome called? Organized phase, fibrotic phase, exudative phase or resolution phase?

Exudative phase

Which characteristic of surfactant protein is important for its function in lung tissue? Decreasing surface tension to prevent the lung from collapsing, increasing surface tension to prevent the lung from collapsing, increasing mucus viscosity so mucus can be moved out of the lungs or decreasing mucus viscosity so mucus can be moved out of the lungs?

Decreasing surface tension to prevent the lung from collapsing

Which antibody is most important in causing the early phase of an asthma attack? IgA, IgE, IgM or IgG?


Pulmonary fibrosis is characterized by hyperactivity of which cells, in which part of the lung? Myofibroblasts in alveoli, myofibroblasts in terminal bronchioles, type || Epithelial cells in terminal bronchioles or type | Cells in alveoli?

Myofibroblasts in alveoli

Chronic bronchitis is characterized by ...? Loss of alveolar tissue and excess mucus production, loss of alveolar tissue and hyperinflation, airway narrowing and excess mucus production or airway narrowing and hyperinflation?

Airway narrowing and excess mucus production

A cause of allergic asthma can be? Proliferation of regulatory T cells after exposure to animal dander, IgE production against pollen, Infiltration of parasites into the lung or neutrophil activation after exposure to aspergillus?

IgE production against pollen

What do we call breathing without your diaphragm and intercostal muscles? Respiration breathing, Glossopharyngeal breathing, tracheal breathing or lobular breathing?

Glossopharyngeal breathing

Smoking increases the risk of developing lung tumors. How does lung epithelium protect itself against smoke? By first changing into squamous epithelium and then produce excess mucus, first by neoplasia and then by dysplasia, by simultaneously producing excess mucus and changing into squamous epithelium or by first producing excess mucus and then changing into squamous epithelium?

By first producing excess of mucus and then changing into aquamous epithelium

Where do the main pathological processes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis take place? Alveoli, Around the airways, Trachea or blood vessels?


What characterizes the early phase of virus-induced lung injury in COVID19? Cytokine storm induced by incoming immune cells, diffuse alveolar damage with fibrotic alveolar walls, cytokine storm induces by tissue-resident immune cells or diffuse alveolar damage with swollen alveolar walls?

Diffuse alveolar damage with swollen alveolar walls

Why do female fetuses have beter survival chances when born early than male fetuses? Their lungs mature earlier, they have smaller lungs with more alveoli or the produce more surfactant?

Their lungs mature earlier

Which lung tumor has the worst prognosis? Squamous cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, Small cell carcinoma or Large cell carcinoma?

Small cell carcinoma

Ideopathic pulmonary fibrosis affects ...? Both men and women equally, men more often than women or women more often than men?

Men more often than women

What is NOT characteristic of a severe viral infection in the lower airways? Hyperplasia of the type || Cells, Alveoli filled with immune cells or Hyaline membranes?

Alveoli filled with immune cells

What are the stages in tumor formation in a large airway? Rank the following
Metaplasia, Neoplasia, Dysplasia

Metaplasia --> Dysplasia --> Neoplasia

Indicate which cells are labeled A and B in the histology slide below.
Type 1 epithelial cell, Type 2 epithelial cell or alveolar macrophage?

A = Type || Epithelial cell B = Type | Epithelial cell

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