The country

29 important questions on The country

What does political ecoloy mean

it means that politicians must balance environmental, economic and soicial interests when they have to make decisions with regard to the use of its natural  resources. Pollution of the environment,  unsafety for the people, destruction of nature and depletion of the sources and energy independence are all things to take into account. 

What sources of energy are found in the west (Atlantic Plain)

poor soil apart from the south (Cotton Belt/citrus fruits) but the nations crude oil and gas.

What is the downside of this natural wealth

severe pollution, damage to wildlife and fisheries 
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What is the Piedmont, what was important for industry

a fertile plateau with where rivers fall down to the Atlantic and form waterfalls> the fall line; water power. America's first industrial cities developed here because the water power was used for grain and textile mills. 

What raw materials are found in the Apalches

iron, building stone, and huge coal deposits in West Verginia and Pennsylvania. This coal was used for the developing industry in the North East and Great Lakes regions and heating homes across the nation.

What do they call the central lowlands also

the nation's breadbasket; fertile soil>large-scale agribusinesses, grain and industrial pig, fish and chicken farming.

What are unwanted side effects of large-scale agribusinesses

pollution  of water supplies caused by the use of plant fertilizers and insecticides and from leaking sewage from the industrial animal farms.

Next: the Great Plaines. What activities there?

semi-arid area, ranching and thanks to modern irrigation methods high-yield farming. 

What resources may become very important in the future

Shale oil in Western Colorado.

Rockey Mountains and the the West coast 

Where do the people live: in the inland valleys; fertile or irrigation; fruit and vegetabbles.

Environmental challenges in the West: earthquakes (San Andreas Fault) and fair water distribution.

earthquakes (Andreas Fault) and fair water distribution.

What are the Cordillera world famous for

veins of precious metals (Gold of the Sierra and silver of Nevada). Many resourses in the West.

What supported the rapid growth of industry and cities in the North West

the raw materials found and the important waterways; the Missisipi and the Great Lakes (iron,, lumber, oil, gas) 

What was the importance of the waterways in the West

hydroelectic power, irrigation and drinking water.

Why did they establish national parcs?

for  for conservation of natural beauty and resources.

What is the National Parc Service

it's a service that must make national parcs accessable for industry and people's enjoyment and preserve them for future generations which are all conflicting duties.

Name a few environmental organisations and laws

Sierra Club, EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), Clean air act, Clean WaterAct, Safe Drinking Water Act, Superfund statute.

What is the Superfund Statute

emergency funding for health hazard of toxic waste

What can you say about the native American people living in America when the Europeans arrived

here where many various tribes  that depended on hunting, fishing, farming and gathering dependanton where they lived, in what natural surroundings, woodlands, planes. 

Name a few native american peoples

North: Blackfoot, Crow, Dakota, Delaware, South: Powhatan, Cherokee, Creek

What was the most commonly attitude of the native americans re land

group possession and communal us of the land; groups had their own territory and left when their natural resources ran out. Result: conflict with the people on the next territory, 

How come the different societies in America still have much in common

Due to the high mobility of the Americans, modern transportation and  pop culture have homogenizing effects.

What is a fall line

That's where upland meets lowland and rivers fall down in waterwaterfalls. e.g. Piemont meets Atlantic Coastal Plain.

What is meant by smokestack cities

It means cities in areas with a lot of heavy industry and there fore a lot of (air) pollution coming from industrial smokestacks

Why is the area now called the Rust Belt

Because the heavy industry is gone, many people have left the area, there is poverty due to unemployment and decay (desolate)

How did part of the North West survive

It is now a center of high education and research, and tourism is important

Why did the southern states feel different from the north 

It was a agricultural region, dependent on slavery because of the labour intensive booming cotton industry and they have a completely different history from the North, being the ones that seceded, where defeated etc.

What is said about the specific traits of the southeners

the are said to be less educated, more religious, more conservative and more old-stock American the people from other regions.

Name one big dilemma in America 

energy production versus managing the natural resources wisely and protection of the environment

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