The people: women and minorities

24 important questions on The people: women and minorities

What about the inequality of women

until mid-1800 women were practically possessions of their father or husband. Claiming they were fragile and metally limited kept them in an inferieur place, doing poorly paid, unskilled work or staying at home to take care of the children and husband.

Why have American women always worked

Because there was a whole country to build, every body had to pull their weight. Women were among the first workers in the textile mills. They were also the first take action for better pay or working conditions.

What was the Declaration of Sentiments

this is the declaration that was read by two female abolitionists (Mott  and Stanton)  at the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls. It was stated in almost the same words as the declaration of indepence and they called for right of property and divorce, education and employment opportunities and the vote.
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What was the Equal Rights Amendment

In 1923, to remove the remaining legal equalities between  and women. Opponents were affraid that women would lose the (protective) rights that had obtained so far. 

What was the protectionist approach with regard to  the women's cause and why were many feminists against that. 

they wanted special rules to make it easier for women to work like lesser working hours, and occupational choices to keep them safe and healthy. Many feminists were against this because they wanted equality, and that was not equality, it still assumed women were weaker than men. 

When was the turning with regard to women's employment

After the Second World War;women who went to work during the war, replacing the men who where fighting abroad,  continued to work after the war. 

What can you say about the civil rights movement for African Americans and Women's rights

They inspired each other and supporter each other. Together they lobbied for the Civil Rights Act which was signed in 1964 and abolished discrimination based on sex as well as on race.

What is affirmative action; is it still supported by the people.

that is when a group that has been treated unequally gets to be favoured instead, for instance in the hiring process.Positive discrimination. Companies are stimulated by the government to hire women or a certain quota of women. The people no longer support it, it feels like an inquality to them. Now ethnic diversity is aimed for. 

What about women and work

In time more laws were signed to assure women got the same pay for the same work, admission to higher education, equal treatment in the job market, could work more safely (laws against sexual harassment), m

What was accomplished in Roe versus wade (1973)

limited abortian rights.

What does the glass ceiling mean

it means that although they can get all the education nessecary and make promotions, women are still far outnumberd at the higher levels of government and management, as if there is a glass ceiling preventing them to grow higher than a certain point.

What is feminazation of poverty

a disproportional big part of the poor people is female. Especialy single mothers are trapped in poverty, they cannot afford day-care and they cannot afford to stay home to look after the children.

What are indigenous people

indigenous people are the original inhabitants of a country, they (and their ancestors) have lived there for centuries. In Amercia the Native Americans are the indigenous people.

What was the Proclamation of 1736

A line place by the British government west of the Appalachian Mountains that would be the official boundry of British America, behind it would all be Indian Land. The colonists did not agree and ignored the proclamation

How did the indians and settlers first interact

At first, the indians taught the settlers how to servive, how to grow mais, potatoes and tobacco and fish. But as more and more settlers arrived the Indians were pushed further west. The colonists wanted more and more land and finaly they even ' removed'  native americans from one state in the East to ' indian territory' in another state (the Trail of Tears from Georgia to Oklahoma)

Why did the americans chose to concentrate the natives in reservations.

Because they simply wanted to cultivate as much land as possible. 

What was the pattern in relations between the indians and americans

settlement, conflict, war, treaty making and treaty violating. then death or removal to reservation.

How did the americans try to americanize the indians

first they took their tribal sovereignty and made them US citizens. Then they sold their land to companies. They took their children away to educate them in schools far away from their family and the reservations. Allotment programs were the third method of assimilation. Every Indian family got a small piece of land of their own and the left-over land was for sale for others. The indians were used to community farming and the allotment scheme did not work out. So finally the land was sold again, cheaply, and the indians starved to

Who profited of the alotments in the end?

the colonists; when it did not work out for the indians they could buy the land cheaply.

By 1930 Roosevelt made the' Indian new deal', what was this

an attempt to correct the mistakes from the past. relief and employment programs, better hospitals, local schools and helping the indians save their native culture bilingual education.

The Indian reorganization act:

policy for tribal restoration which means communal ownership of farms

What does it mean when one indian calls the other a coconut

brown on the outside, white on the inside; indians who do get by and have ' white' friends will be disrespected for that. 

How did the first African Amercians arrive

as indentured servants; contracted for 5 to 7 years  without pay.

What is a indentured servant

contract 5-7 years, no pay, after the years: nothing

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