Step 4: Make summary with flashcards and/or notes

27 important questions on Step 4: Make summary with flashcards and/or notes

What part of the paragraph usually contains the best information about the topic?

The first two sentences.

Steps for effective communication

-Body language
-Active listening
+pay full attention
+acknowledge thoughts, ideas and feelings
+Do not interrupt
~ask relevant questions
-Be assertive and objective
+Use "I" statements
+ Avoid labels, describe objective behavior
-Dont be defensive. Accept the other person's feedback

The impact of social network and texting in social psychology

-Multitasking Perspective
-Immediate Response v. Patience
-Social Interactions and Relationships
+you get to think and edit
-Self Esteem
+"likes", pictures, "friends", comments, time spent in the social network site
-Obsession/Psychological Addiction
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Freud's Personality Theory- Id

Structures of Personality
-Id (the person is all Id at birth)
+lacks organization
+blind, demanding, insistent, illogical, amoral
+it's ruled by pleasure principle
+driven to satisfy the instinctual needs and unconscious drives

Freud's Personality Theory- Superego

Structures of Personality
+the person's moral code
+serves as a harsh internal judge of our behavior
+evaluates the morality of our behavior as good or bad, right or wrong
+our conscience
+strives for perfection, not pleasure

Freud's Personality Theory- Ego

Structures of Personality
+deals with the demands of reality
+It's ruled by the reality principle
+tries to bring the individual pleasure within the norms of society
+acts as a mediator between the conflicting demands of the id and the superego as well as the real world
+the seat of intelligence and rationality 

Intellectualization ('Isolation of affect')

The ego avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic.

Sense of humor/Sarcasm

The ego avoids uncomfortable emotions by making jokes

Adler's Individual Psychology

Individuals strive for superiority by seeking to adapt, improve and master the environment.

Adler's Birth Order Personality Theory

Oldest Child
-Positive Outcome: Responsibility
-Negative Outcome: Insecurity
Middle Child
-Positive Outcome: Healthy Ambition
-Negative Outcome: Rebellious Behavior
Youngest Child
-Positive Outcome: Confidence
-Negative Outcome: Spoiled

The Five Factor-Model of Personality (Trait Perspective)

This theory describes the main dimensions of personality.
-Each of the five personality factors represents a range between two extremes.
+N-euroticism (emotional instability)

Social Cognitive Perspective

Views that emphasize conscious awareness, beliefs, expectations and goals.

Theoretical Approaches to Psychological Disorders

Biological Approach
Psychological Approach
Sociocultural Approach
Biopsychosocial Model

Mental Disorder Diagnosis

-Clinical Interview and Psychological Evaluation
-Physical and Neurological Evaluation
+Blood tests
-DSM-Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
+The major classification of psychological disorders in the United States

Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood or adolescence

-Mental Retardation
-Learning Disorders
-Motor Skills Disorders
-Communication Disorders
-Attention-Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Persistant anxiety (for at least 6 months)
Individual is unable to specify the reasons

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (Anxiety Disorder)

Anxiety provoking thoughts that will not go away and urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to prevent or produce some future situation.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Anxiety Disorder)

It develops through exposure to a traumatic event that has overwhelmed the person's abilities to cope.
+Avoidance of emotional experiences
+Excessive arousal/Insomnia
+Difficulties with memory or concentration

Depressive Disorders (Mood Disorder)

Unrelenting lack of pleasure in life
+Major depressive disorder
+Dysthymic Disorder (more chronic)

Schizophrenia (Psychotic Disorders)

Sever psychological disorder characterized by highly disordered thought processes:
Thought disorder
Referential thinking
Disorders of movement
Flat affect

Antisocial Personality Disorder (Personality Disorders)

-Guiltlessness, law breaking, exploitation of others, irresponsibility, deceit and manipulation
-Pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of the rights of others.
+Psychopath/Sociopath - Remorseless predators who engage in violence to get what they want.

Borderline Personality Disorder (Personality Disorders)

Pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and emotions, and of marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood.
-frantic efforts to avoid being abandoned
-unstable self image
-extreme emotional responses
-self-harming behaviors such as cutting themselves, drug abuse, unprotected sex, reckless driving, binge eating
-temporary stress related paranoia

Anorexia Nervosa (Eating Disorders)

The individual starves him/herself because a compulsive fear of getting fat

Bulimia Nervosa (Eating Disorders)

the individual consistently goes on an eating binge and then purges by self-inducing vomiting or the use of laxatives.

Binge Eating Disorder (Eating Disorders)

Recurrent episodes of consuming large amounts of food during which the person feels a lack of control over eating

Florida Mental Health Act

The Baker act is a means of providing individuals with emergency services and temporary detention for mental health evaluation and treatment when required, either on a voluntary of an involuntary basis.

Integrative Therapy (eclectic)

It is a combination of techniques from different therapies based of the therapist's judgement of which particular method will provide the greatest benefit for the client.

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