Effective studying in a nutshell

27 important questions on Effective studying in a nutshell

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What is the nebular hypothesis

the nebular hypothesis says that there was a big cloud of dust that rotated made up of hydrogen helium and a small percentage of heaver elements

Body proportion type one:cephalocaudal

head develops more rapidly than lower part of the body. 1/4 of the body length is the head.

Thomson's Abortion Issue on Good Samaritan Laws?


What is the answer to ABC


Which of the following choices describes the function of DNA Polymerase?
  1. Opens up double-stranded DNA to make it single stranded.
  2. Cuts DNA segments into pieces of one or two nucleotides
  3. catalyses the linking of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP in a specific order, using single stranded DNA as a template.
  4. Fuses intermediate DNA segments into longer segments 

3. Catalyses the linking of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP in a specific order, using single stranded DNA as a template.

Why do you go through all this trouble of Efaqt with learning?

To learn more actively and more regularly in order to remember more in less time.

What are benefits and draw-backs Mercator map

a mercator map was made to help sailors navigate around earth. the size and distance were distorted, but it showed directions accurately   

Body proportion type twop:Prozimodistal

grows from the center outwards. arms and legs before hands and feet.

Don Marquis and his Future Like Ours Argument?

(1). If abortion deprives the fetus of a future of value (i.e., a future like ours), then abortion is prime facie wrong.
(2). Abortion does deprive the fetus of a future like ours.
(3). Thus, abortion is prime facie wrong.
An abortion could be justified if the consequences of failing to abort would be as bad as the consequences of an abortion.
The abortion occurs so early that the fetus is not yet definitely an individual.

What are benefits and draw-backs of a Robinson Map

a Robinson Map shows distance size and shape correctly,  it has distortions especially on the areas around the edge of the map  

James Rachel's on church tradition and scripture as the pertain to morality?

People need to read scripture and find in church tradition what they want to see/hear rather than paying attention to what is actually written/said or what is not written/said.
Thus, once again, people should use reason, Rachel's thinks, in coming to moral conclusions.

Growth spurts
1st two years changing enormously
faster than anytime after birth

on average 7lbs at birth
end of year 1 to 21 lbs
end of year 2 to 30 lbs

Bentham and mill and utilitarianism?


What are the differences between a topographical map and a geologic map

a topographical map shows elevation and not not the types of rock or age like a geologic map

Why would you use a geologic map

it is desirable to know the type of rock and age of the rocks that are exposed

Why would you use a topographical map

the maps are important to geologists hikers and campers

What is the periodic table of the elements?

An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical or physical means.

What information can you draw from an element?

The number of electrons in the outer shell (valence electrons) and whether an element is metal, nonmetal or metalloid and the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and their average weight.

What is the structure of an atom?

The nucleus is in the center of the atom.  The electrons are on shells around the nucleus.  The first shell can only have two electrons.  The second shell can have up to eight electrons.  The number of protons and electrons is equivalent to the atomic number displayed on the top of the element on the periodic table.  You take the atomic number and use that to subtract from the atomic mass found at the bottom of the element on the periodic table.

What is a metallic bond?

Metallic bonds form when electrons are shared by metal ions.

What is the five part definition of a mineral?

A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid with an ordinarily crystalline structure and a definite chemical composition.

What are the four ways that minerals form?

Minerals form from crystallization from magma, precipitation, changes in pressure and temperature and formation from hydrothermal solutions.

What are the six mineral groups and the elements they contain?

Silicates, the carbonates, the oxides, the sulfates, the sulfides, the halides, and the native elements.

What are the eight properties of minerals and how do we go about testing for each?

- Color
- Streak (color in its powdered form, obtained by rubbing across a streak plate).
- Luster (luster is used to describe how light is reflected from the surface of a mineral).
- Crystal form (the visible expression of the internal arrangement of atoms).
- Hardness (Moh's scale is used for testing the ten minerals from hardest to softest).
- Cleavage (the tendency of a mineral to cleave or break along flat, even surfaces). - Fracture (minerals that do not show cleavage when broken are said to fracture).
- Density (a property of matter that is the ratio of object's mass to it's volume).

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