Drug an drug targets: an overview

10 important questions on Drug an drug targets: an overview

Wat voor lipiden zijn drug targets?


What is the hydrogen bond acceptor?

The hydrogen bond acceptor is the electronegative heteroatom.

What are Van der Waals interactions?

Van der Waals interactions are interactions between non-polar regions of molecules and are caused by transient dipole-dipole interactions.
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Ion-dipole and dipole-dipole interactions are a ... Form of electrostatic interactions.


What involves hydrophobic interactions?

Hydrophobic interactions involve the displacement of ordered layers of water molecules that surround hydrophobic regions of molecules. This leads to increased entropy which contributes to the overall binding energy.

What needs to happen before polar groups form intermolecular interactions?

The polar groups need to be desolvated which results in an energy penalty.

Welke intermoleculaire bindingsinteracties zijn er tussen drug en target?

  • Elektrostatische of ionische bindingen
  • Waterstofbruggen
  • Van der Waals-interacties
  • Dipool-dipool-interacties
  • Ion-dipool-interacties
  • Hydrofobe interacties
  • Covalente bindingen

How can drugs be classified?

Drugs can be classified by their pharmaceutical effect, chemical structure, effect on the target system, and effect on the target structure.

What kind of names have clinically useful drugs?

Drugs have a trading name and an international non-proprietary name.

What kind of names has drugs is preclinical phases?

Drugs in the preclinical phase, only have codes specific to a research group.

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