Quality of the research
23 important questions on Quality of the research
What does judgment of the quality of research entail?
What questions can you ask yourself when judging the quality of research?
·How were research questions formulated?
·What data methods were chosen?
·How was the sample composed?
·What instruments were used?
·How was the data analyzed?
·How did the researchers manage their influence on the outcomes?
What does reliability (of the research) mean?
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How can you increase reliability?
-By doing sufficient observations with the hope to even out unsystematic errors.
What does it mean when research is high on internal validity?
What can be threats to internal validity?
- When the chosen method of data collection does not provide accurate information about the topic of interest this can bias the result (for example when participants decide not to talk about a certain something)
· - When researchers interpret the data in a desired direction because they have a result they want to prove.
What does construct validity mean?
What is the aim of qualitative research?
Which are the 4 criteria for quality that Glaser and Strauss formulated?
·fitness: the theory must closely fit the substantive area in which it will be used
·understanding: the theory must be easy to understand by all the people concerned with this area
·generality: the theory must be sufficiently general to be applied to a lot of different daily situations in the area, not just a specific type of situation
·control: the theory must allow the user partial control over the structure and process of daily situations as they change through time.
What does methodological accountability mean?
In what 2 ways can the researchers role influence the field?
2. going native: the research may be drawn into the world of the investigated individuals and become absorbed into the local culture. Then it cannot be expected that they can still reflect theoretically on their area of interest. His interpretations may then become biased.
What does methods triangulation means and what does it add to the research?
What does member validation mean?
Why do participants don't always have to agree with the interpretations of the researchers in research report?
·participants may also have interests in the field that are at odds with the outcomes of the study.
What is analyst/ researcher triangulation and what does it add?
-Comparison of the data provides a way to assess the reliability and the validity of the data.
-Teams are better at standardizing coding and improve accuracy of the coding process and avoiding bias because of control on each other’s interpretations.
-A team can also support each other socially.
What does 'peer debriefing' mean?
What does external validity mean?
For research to be externally valid it is crucial to examine how the sample is selected.
What does statistical generalization mean?
What does theoretical generalization mean?
What does variation-based generalization mean?
What does analogical generalization mean?
What does communicative generalization mean?
What is the main difference between journalism and qualitative research?
-in qualitative research the aim is to bridge a gap in social theory
-to allowed to contribute to this social theory a common research practice is used.
- theoretical reasoning is used in the report that justifies the claim of having delivered a scientific piece of work.
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding