Summary: Animal Behavior

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Read the summary and the most important questions on Animal behavior

  • 1 Introduction to animal behavior

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  • What arre ultimate questions?

    = about the consequence of the behavior
    - evolution
    - function
    - phylogeny
  • What arer the 4 why's of tinbergen?

    proximate questions:1. Causation -> what makes an individual show a certain behavior
    - direct stimuli that trigger a behavior
    2. Ontogeny (development of behavior) -> how did an individual develop the ability to show this behavior
    - how does a behavior change over an animals lifetime

    ultimate questions:
    3. Evolution -> how did this behavior evolve
    - evolutionary/phylogenetic history
    4. Function and survival value -> what is the function of the behavior
    - survival value -> differential reproductive fitness
  • What is the defenition of behavior?

    Internally coordinated response of whole living organisms to an external and/or internal stimuli
  • What causes reproductive isolation?

    1. Geograpic barrier
    2. Resourcce shifts
    3. Mate choice
    4. Genetic change
  • What can you tell me about genetic variation?

    = a measure of the variation in phenotype that is due to all variation in genotype
    - two types of genetic variation:
    1. Additive genetic variation = the proportion of genetic variation that is due to differences among alleles that sum together
    2. Non-additive genetic variation = results from interactions between genes and from gene dominance 
  • 2 animal communication

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  • What are the different ways for animals to show communnication?

    - sound
    - colour
    - gesture
    - smell
  • What are cost of signals?

    - physical challenge -> low-quality animals may not have the time or energy to invest in giving a big signal 
    - physical status
    - social punishment -> when dishonest 
  • What can you tell me about communication network?

    = mixture of signalers, receivers, and eavesdroppers
    - eavesdroppers can benefit because these signals often contain information on the phenotype of the signaler and receiver  
    -> Eavesdroppers can learn about potential competitors, potential allies or mates, and predators 
    - eavesdroppers can also affect behaviour of signalers -> audience effect =. When a signaler is aware that it is being observed it can change what it is trying to signal + how it is trying to signal this 
  • What arre the three types of complex signals?

    1. Referential signals -> signals referring to something external, in the external environment
    2. Signature signals -> signals referring to a specific individual (names in humans)
    3. Syntax -> rules about the order of signals and how this affect meaning
  • What are the 2 transmission characteristics of the environment?

    1. Attenuation
    -> spherical spread
    -> excess attenuation
    2. Degradation
    -> frequency-dependent attenuation
    -> reverberation (sound smears out in time)
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