Friends of Discovery

6 important questions on Friends of Discovery

Fuller's opinion about Popper vs Kuhn?

Popper: taking risks and competition; falsify others.
Kuhn: sience progress by disciplinary conformism.
Neither account well enough for scientific progress

Kuhn's normal science vs revolutionary science

Normal is long period over time the same paradigm(shared metaphysical, epistemological and methological assumption), which leads to riddle solving.
revolutionary changes the paradigm. Theory-ladenness implies that successive paradigms are incommenserable

Lakatos's side vs Feyerabend

Research programs where rival paradigms compete. Protected belt can, hard core cannot be altered. Progressive vs degenerative
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Feyerabend's side vs Lakatos

Creativity, the hallmark of science, of the individual scientist. It is a principle of tenacity(not direct to flames) and principle of proliferation of alternatives as much as posisble.

Laudan's side vs Nickles

Research traditions: everything can come and go.
Acceptance = belief = strong epistemic commitment.
Pursuing ideas is rational only if the novel research tradition has higher rate of problem solving.
Context of pursuit.

Nickles side vs Laudan

Stating the problem is half of the solution. The big constraint is the conception of problems: demanding a solution of the constraints on that solution.
Context or background is part of the problem.
progressive enrichment, directing the inquiry.

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