Culture and Personality - anthropology and gender
6 important questions on Culture and Personality - anthropology and gender
How did Boas influenced Benedict
1. Cultural relativism
2. Emphasis on Holism; she pushed the idea that cultures were integrated, having internal logical consitency and being charecterized by a single dominant trend or pattern
What was a critique on Benedict?
She ignored aspects of culture that did nto fit her cultural configuration model such as drunkeness
Margarets Meads influences
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What is cultural configuration?
unique patern which determines the fundamental personality characteristics of it's members
What are certain personalities influenced by?
Upbringing (opvoeding)
What do children in one society receive similar?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
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- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding