Evolutionism - Morgan

7 important questions on Evolutionism - Morgan

Where did Spencer believed in and what did he argue?

Interested in evolution as a general phenomenon. Believed evolution was progressive and evolutionary change was from simple to more complex states. Argued that evolutionary progress occurred because life was a struggle for survival in which only those with superior skills and trait succeded.

Where did Spencer compared human societies with?

Compared human societies to biological organisms. He used this analogy to link biological and social evolution, implying both followed the same processes and direction. It was influential because it implied that society was composed of an interconnected set of organs and it could be studied in the same manner as biology.

Material physical evidence for evolution

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Spencer came up with 'survival of the fittest', what did it mean?

Evolution was driven by competition among people through which the best suited to survive was selected.

How did societyes evolved according to Spencer?

Spencer believed that society evolved through a natural process of growth and that this process was influenced by an unseen force in society that forces the members to act in certain ways.

What where Spencer's core ideas?

Societies grow from small groups to large aggregationsSocieties grow from simple to complex structuresSocieties grow van a collection of independent units to an organism composed of interdependent parts.

Morgan, core ideas

- Evolution is progress, not degeneration
- evolution by almost uniform processes
- similar needs, conditions, mental principles
- same original ancestors, monogenesis
- from simple to complex, from lower to higher culture

Study of ‘primitive’ tribes and nations is study of our ancestors
- physic unity of mankind, like Tylor
- fundamental similarity of all human beings
- unilinear evolution
- comparison of the primary institutions

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