Neo-evolutionism, neo-materialism - Cultural materialism
7 important questions on Neo-evolutionism, neo-materialism - Cultural materialism
What can impact human behavior according to materialism?
Materialism is a position that the physical world can impact and set constraints on human behavior
What do materialists belief?
They believe that human behavior is part of nature and therefore it can be understood by using the methods of studying natural science.
Where do materialists give priority to when they explain human societues?
Materialists do not necesserily assume that material reality is more important that mental reality. However the give priority to the material world over the world in the mind when they explain human societies.
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Why and how was neo-materialism strongly influenced by neo-evolutionism?
Neo-evolutionism asserted that material conditions determine other sapects of societies. Although both theories focus on surrounding environments of society, they took different approaches. While neoeveolutionists considered environments to be independent forces that shape culture, neomaterialist examined relationships between populations and environment .
Critique of cultural ecologists
What do neomaterialists claim?
they claimed that societies function to maintain a balance between human activities and the productive capacity of the environment.
Ecological approach to pigs.
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