Culture and Personality - postmodernism and its critics
8 important questions on Culture and Personality - postmodernism and its critics
According to Mead there is a relationship between
What did Mead research?
She researched the interplay of biological and cultural factors and connects to Freud's thought: 'children's practices affect adult personality'
According to Mead adolescence is a...
cultural phenomenon
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Coming of age in Samoa (1928)
Unproblematic adolesence leads to unproblematic adult lives, without too much stress and with free sexual life.
Who influenced Mead?
What was the critique of Derek Freeman?
He says that there is no sexual freedom and the girls are unhappy. Mead was working from theoretical framework too much. Mead was fooled, never went to the villages, too little informants. Said there was a conspiracy towards Mead, that's why published after Mead's death
What did Mead not include in her research?
That Samoa has been colonized. She states that Samoa is a pure civilization, but it is not pure.
How did Mead conceptualize culture?
Too simple. She saw cultures, seemly living in the past as simple
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