Foundations of sociological thought - historical particularism

5 important questions on Foundations of sociological thought - historical particularism

What was durkheims view on society?

Durkheim understood “society” as an objective totality and as a natural order: society pertains to the domain of natural phenomena (“society as an organism”) Society as objective totality, an organism with different interrelated parts, a structure. Before him people looked at specific aspects.

To what led Social differentiation and specialization according to Durkheim?

Social differentiation and specialization led to increased social cohesion and broadened the possibilities of individuals to achieve their full potential as human beings.
therefore the modern society is better than the less developed accoridn to his view because as an individuals you have more potential to develop yourself

Why is social cohesion maintained according to Durkheim?

Social cohesion was maintained because people in societies share the same values and beliefs and reinforced those beliefs through rituals and communal action.
Social solidarity.
Religion and communal actions establish this social solidarity
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Critique on homo economicus

he criticizes homo economicus (society does not emerge from a contract or agreement between individuals). Society is a natural fact, logically anterior to individuals.
structure works down on individuals, society is independent from the people composing it

Durkheims main topics of interest

• what keeps societies together – social cohesion
• “social facts”
• moral issues, collective consciousness
• modernization, breakdown of old norms, ‘anomie’
• from mechanic to organic solidarity (like Spencer)
• ‘primitive’ religion, classifications, totemism
• religion as the ultimate binding force, as society’s selfconsciousness:
the sacred is the crystallized expression of the social order

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