The one sample t test

9 important questions on The one sample t test

What can't be said when not rejecting h0?

Accept H0, because you say you have proved something, which is not the case

What discribes the T-value

It describes the distance of the sample mean from the H0 mean in terms of number of standard error

What is a type 1 decision error?

When the proposed value of the population mean is correct, and we reject it
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To define the reject region for values of T, we need to know 3 things. What are they?

1. Choice of H alt, tells us whether to include only on tail or both tails in the reject region
2. Choice of a, tells how much area is included in one or both tails.
3. Sample df (n-1, tells us which t distribution to use to find critical values that cut off tail areas, for rejection for example

Which 3 questions could examine by the one-sample t test?

1. Can we reject h0
2. Is the population hypothesis a plausible value for the mean of the population?
3. Is M significantly different from the mean hypothesis?

Which four assumptions for the use of the one-sample t test can't be violated en why?

- X variables must be quantitative, otherwise you can't compute the mean.
- X variables should be independent, otherwise the estimate of SD may be too small.
- Distributions of X scores don't have to be normal, because the scores in the sample are randomly selected, which you can't influence.
- pay attention to outliers, a mode at zero and bimodal distributions with modes far apart. Because if M doesn't make sense to describe, then the  one-sample t test won't make sense either.
Why: violations of assumptions can lead to p values that underestimate the true risk of type 1 error

In which cases (test) do you have to divide the p value into 2?

In one tailed test when you only have the p value (sig. 2 tailed) of the two tailed test.

What cant be said about p values?

- P can never be 0
- a small p value doesn't say that treatment is highly effective
- don't the p value is somewhere in between significant or not.

What is the difference between one-tailed and two taild

One-taild is being use for 0 or alternative hypothesis testing when its < or >.
two-taild is being used when the  0 or alternative hypothesis is equal

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