Single FSM, Consistency Checking, Global Behaviour

6 important questions on Single FSM, Consistency Checking, Global Behaviour

What can UML statecharts do?

Can be used to specify:
- the behavior of an active class
- a standalone behavior, that is, one not corresponding Class
- a method corresponding to a behavioral feature

State: simple, composite, submachine

Trigger = event and can trigger several transitions
- types: message events (signal, call & anyreceive -events), change events, relative time events

What are MERODE statecharts?

Called Finite State Machiens
- State = circle with name
- Initial = dot
- Final = double circle
- transition = arrow with trigger, guard & operation

Can be used to specify
- The behavior of an active class

- trigger * [guard condition] / operation
- only message events: and of it CallEvents

What is difference between default and user specified FSM?

- initial state, default state "exists", 1 final state "ended"
- create methods
- modify methods
- end methods

- contains user-specified states and transitions from/to specified states. Therefore specifies more behaviour constraints.  
- like: more intermediate states, multiple end states, different create methods, etc.
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What quality checks are there regarding OET & FSM

- all methods indicated in the OET should appear in your FSM
- some methods cause a transition (O/C, O/M, O,E)
- some methods keep in same state (A/M)  

Absent method in FSM may have a double interpretation
- could mean method is allowed in each state
- could mean that method is never allowed to execute  

- C should create
- M should modify
- E should end

What are the parallism rules?

- all scenarios of an existence dependent object type must be accped by its master object types.

- whenever two objecttypes share more than one event type, there should be a shared existence dependent object type that manages the sequence constraints on these event types.
- aka, the intersection area is covered by these shared existence dependant object types.

What are the FSM regular expressions?

B.C.D = a sequence, first B, then C and then D
B+C+D = a choice between B, C and D
B* = a repetition of B (0,1 or many times B)

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