Plurality of qualitative research design - Blogpost

3 important questions on Plurality of qualitative research design - Blogpost

In the blogpost, the author was present at a PhD candidate presentation in which the candidate was accused for being a cherry picker. What is meant by cherry picking and why does the author argue qualitative researchers are rather beachcombers?

The critics meant with cherry picking that qualitative researchers seek to find quotes, observations and incidents in line with the theoretical proposition.  He argues working through data should not be approached as data, but rather as terrain in which certain things can be found. Therefore the author argues qualitative researchers are rather beachcombers seeking to identify something interesting in their terrain, in the midst of mostly undifferentiated and predictable staff.

What makes the difference between cherry pickers and beachcombers?

Reflexivity. A reflexive researcher looks further than information that supports his or her position, and will also seek out for the ones that challenge their position.

Why is the author not a fan of software and transcription?

Although software tracks what you do and transcription reduces the data and makes it less complex, the author criticizes these things since you miss a huge part of the communication that is important for the interpretation. E.g. "No", can be interpreted differently when hearing the voice, expression, tone etc.

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