From data to theory - Lecture notes - Interviews

3 important questions on From data to theory - Lecture notes - Interviews

There are three different types of interviews; open, semi-structured and structured. What's the difference between the structure of semi and structured?

In semi you have a few determined questions, of which the order might change.

In structured you have determined all questions in a strict order.

Which structure is suggested for the questions when doing semi-structured interviews?

1. Ask an open question
2. Ask for experiences
3. Follow up question on elaboration.

What is coding and what is the difference between open, topic/theory and vivo coding?

Coding is an important step in the data analysis to come from empirical material to themes in the findings.  It helps to make sense of the data.

Open coding; using codes from the text.
Topic/theory coding; using existing codes.
Vivo; using text passages.

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