From data to theory - Case study

4 important questions on From data to theory - Case study

How do you select a case and what does Eisenhardt prefer?

You select a case based on what you should focus on. Eisenhardt prefers extreme cases.

The foundation of the critique on case study research is in the research paradigm. What are the three main critiques on this research design?

1. Lack of persuasion and control, which influences the internal validity and generalizability of the study.
2. Question whether ambiguous conclusions can say much about the setting of the research.
3. Without rigor, relevance cannot be claimed.

Standardizing analytical techniques is hard due to variety in forms and range of sources. Yin suggests 5 analytical techniques. Note that this list is far from complete. What's the difference between pattern matching, explanation building, time series, logical models and cross-case synthesis?

Pattern matching; comparing patterns of cases and decide whether they match or do not match.

Explanation building; comparing propositions about causal patterns and links for further investigations.  Its about finding out why things happen.

Time series; tracking event sequence over time.

Logical models; matching series of iteration with predicted outcomes.

Cross-case synthesis; comparing data from different cases across a uniform framework.
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What are the two mythes of case study research design? Elaborate on the latter using the alternatives for generalizability;

- moderatum, analytical refinement, naturalistic, isomorphic

Mythe of triangulation;
- some sources you use in triangulation might contradict each other, and others remain silent. It's the researchers responsibility to voice expression of who remains silent.

Mythe of generalizability;
- This is a matter of judgement.
- 4 types beyond statistical generalization;
* Moderatum; similar structures would have similar characteristics.
* Naturalistic (popular); transferability; application to your own context.
* Analytical refinement (popular); generalize from experience and observation to theory
* Isomorphic learning; lessons from an event that can be applied in other settings (this is a type of naturalistic generalizability).

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