Plurality of qualitative research design - Lecture notes

6 important questions on Plurality of qualitative research design - Lecture notes

What is content mapping?

Content mapping is the overall process for analyzing collected insights. It's a quick and dirty visual analysis method.

What is the difference between a variance and process model?

A variance model is focused on antecedents. Its related to time ordering between independent variables. It's outcome driven and provides a single meaning. Its focused on immediate causation. E.g. ABC are causes of X.

A process model is about the development of a phenomenon over time. It's a temporal ordening of independent events and focused on path direction. The entities involved might change over time. It's about distal and immediate causation due to a narrative framework.

What is the key challenge of qualitative research according to Langley and Abdallah?

Sense making.
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When do you choose minimum variation and when do you choose maximum variation considering case studies?

You choose minimum variation when you want to explore and describe (Gioia method)

You choose maximum variation when you want to test a hypothesis (Eisenhardt method)

What is a unit of analysis and what's the difference between a unit of analysis and a case?

The unit of analysis is The Who or what you study. E.g. The change process, or the decision.

The case is the context in which you study the unit of analysis. E.g. Crisis or Church.

What methodologies allow the practice turn?

- Realtime accomplishment of activities
- Ethnographic observation
- Longitudinal study; vignettes and dynamics

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