Qualitative Research Design

10 important questions on Qualitative Research Design

What's the difference between internal and external generalizability?

The first is about generalizability within the group. The second is about generalizability beyond the sampling group.

What are the main issues of triangulation?

- There is a different logic in each data type
- You need new ways of comparison, because one will suit a certain type but not the other.

What are the characteristics of a good qualitative research design?

- Build around clear focus and research question
- Reduce to essential
- Research becomes manageable in terms of time and resources
- Link to theoretical background
- Reflection, planning and clear decisions
- Sensitive, flexible and adaptive
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What are the two main ways to derive a research question?

1. By defining and formulating research and then do empirical work to answer the question.

2. By making general observations, create a question and make it more focused on the way.

What are the two types of generalizability on theoretical level?

Formative; applying on the variety of different fields

Substantive; applying to a specific field

What are the two relevant steps for deriving a research question?

- What we want to study
- Research perspective.

What is the difference between reflection and reflexivity?

Reflection is about examining the way of doing, about looking into the mirror.

Reflexivity is about the examination of own beliefs, judgements and practices that influences research. You think about how this influences your research. This is about questioning the way of doing.

What are the three research perspectives of theoretical knowledge discussed by Flick?

- Theory development
- Personal experiences
- Theoretical perspective which are transferred to social representations.

Arrange the following data collection methods from distance to engaged.
- Consultancy
- Interviews
- Passive observations
- Action research
- Participant observations

Interviews (structured > semi > unstructured)

Passive observation

Participant observation

- Action Research

- Consultancy

What's the difference between verbal and visual data sources?

Verbal sources are related to e.g. Annual reports, interviews etc.

Visual sources are related to e.g. Observations, video and pictures.

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