18 important questions on ARMS CP
What is the definition of effect size?
When is a value of partial eta sqared viewed as small?
When is a value of partial eta sqared viewed as medium?
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When is a value of partial eta sqared viewed as large?
When is a value of Pearson's R / Regression B viewed as large?
What is statistical power?
How is power calculated?
What are the 2 consequences of a larger effect size?
- Less overlap
What question do you have to ask when performing a randomizationcheck?
What question do you have to ask when performing a manipulation check?
... Is a more generic term, ... Is a little more specific
How to correct for the multiple comparisons problem?
What three relevant comparisons can you make if you want to know whether variable A causes changes in variable B?
- Post-manipulation comparison
- Pre-post comparison
What is essential to an interaction?
a. Multiple variables are involved
b. A main effect is necessary
c. Interpretation of the main effect is incomplete
d. There is dependency of an effect on the dependent variable
e. The slope of the lines is different
f. The dependent variable is not taken into account in the interaction
A: at least 2 IV's and 1 DV
Is this true or false? With a small number of participants it is important to look at the effect size before you draw conclusions about your findings
How do you calculate bonferonni correction?
If the F-test is significant in an ANOVA, there is a difference between your groups. What do you have to do when you want to know between which of your groups?
Bonferonni correction increases the chance of a ...
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- 100% sure, 100% understanding