Crossan: Organizational learning and strategic renewal

13 important questions on Crossan: Organizational learning and strategic renewal

What does the paper of Crossan attempt regarding the literature gap?

To fill a gap in the integration of strategy and organizational learning, through empirical research that examines the processes of strategic renewal using a comprehensive framework of organization learning.

Wherefore does Crossan use the 4I framework of organizational learning?

The 4I framework is used to examine the phenomenon of strategic renewal at Canada Post Corporation (CPC). The study illustrates the underlying processes that form the tension between exploration and exploitation, demonstrating why strategic renewal is so challenging.

Which question wants Crossan to answer?

How does organizational learning explain the phenomenon of strategic renewal. By addressing the shortcomings in the current literature, Crossan contributes in this way to strategy research by delving more deeply into the black box of strategic process.
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According to Crossan, organizational learning research has largely remained disconnected from strategy. Attempts to forge a link between strategy and organizational learning have been hindered by three shortcomings. Which 3?

1. Too-narrow conceptualization of organizational learning
2. The failure to address the fundamental tension of strategic renewal: the tension between exploration and exploitation.
3. Researchers have stopped short of application and testing.
>> Crossan attempts to address these shortcomings by presenting an empirical study of the process of strategic renewal using a comprehensive framework of organizational learning.

According to the 4I framework the competitive position of a firm a dynamic, not static, with influences working through feedback loops (see arrows image 10). Explain the feedback loops. (Crossan)

These feedback loops are what create the tension of strategic renewal. Within a constantly changing environment, organizations must manage the tension between institutionalized learning and the processes of intuiting, interpreting, and integrating. The former enables exploitation, the latter exploration.

What is meant with exploitation and exploration (Crossan)?

Exploitation: the efficient production within well-defined and routine parts of the business
Exploration: Processes equally important but less tangible and concrete.
> These are the feed0forward and feedback processes of learning.

How did Crossan gathered data?

At CPC (full postal service) with a case study methodology.

Summarize the key findings for the four learning processes along the diagonal of the matrix (Crossan) (Intuiting, interpreting. integrating and institutionalizing. and feed-forward and feedback.). Explain: intuiting.

Crossans findings support the decision to distinguish between entrepreneurial intuition (make connections to imagine future possibilities) and expert intuition (recognize past patterns).

Summarize the key findings for the four learning processes along the diagonal of the matrix (Crossan) (Intuiting, interpreting. integrating and institutionalizing. and feed-forward and feedback.). Explain: interpretation.

Changing interpretation brought about by management turnover provided CPC with a quick infusion of new insights and ways of thinking about the business. A top-down orientation to learning provided an efficient way to change behaviors throughout the organization, as did processes of experiential and experimental learning.

Summarize the key findings for the four learning processes along the diagonal of the matrix (Crossan) (Intuiting, interpreting. integrating and institutionalizing. and feed-forward and feedback.). Explain: integrating.

CPC had a high level of integration around operational issues, but a high degree of diversity around strategic issues, particularly among stakeholder groups. CPC face some challenges in aligning key stakeholder groups.

Summarize the key findings for the four learning processes along the diagonal of the matrix (Crossan) (Intuiting, interpreting. integrating and institutionalizing. and feed-forward and feedback.). Explain: institutionalizing.

CPC had an ideal opportunity to review its institutionalized learning and decide what did and did not fit the newly formed organization. The strategic renewal processes led to changes not only in systems/structures but also in strategies. The strategy entailed a shift from nationalistic 'deliver of mail services' to a viable business entity providing a customer-focused, fiscally responsibly service.

Explain the 4 phases of CPC: (Crossan)

Self-definition phase - self-sufficient phase - becoming competitive - preparing for the future.

Summarize the key findings regarding the feedback and feed-forward process. (Crossan)

Feedback: the impact of organizational level learning on individual/group learning
Feed-forward: move from individual to organization

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