Biodiversity Conservation and the Eradication of Poverty: ADAMS

8 important questions on Biodiversity Conservation and the Eradication of Poverty: ADAMS

Explain what adams review in his article ''Biodiversity Conservation and the Eradication of Poverty''

Review of the links between poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation and present a conceptual typology of these relationships.

Why do biodiversity conservation scientists face a dilemma?

There is increasing concern that global efforts to maintaining biodiversity are in conflict with those to reduce poverty
  • Decline of populations, extinction of species, and habitat transformation
  • Protected areas causes economic opportunity costs, negative impact for local people (who pay the burden)

Win-Win solution in sustainable development: poverty elimination and conservation can happen together. How?

Pro-poor conservation
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Conceptual typology of the relationships between poverty reduction and conservation in order to promote a clearer understanding of them. The typology presents four different ways of looking

1) Poverty and conservation are separate policy realms.
2) Poverty is a critical constraint on conservation
3) Conservation should not compromise poverty reduction
4) Poverty reduction depends on living resource conservation

(Conservation = the protection of animals, plants, and natural resources)

1) Poverty and conservation are separate policy realms

Here the local benefits of conservation by win-win opportunities that focus on direct payment

2) Poverty is a critical constraint on conservation.

Conservation must provide effective contributions to poverty reduction, including both net benefits to the poor and the avoidance of significant local costs to any social group.

3) Conservation should not compromise poverty reduction.

This position recognizes that conservation agencies have conservation as their primary goal, but it holds that in pursuing that goal they should, at a minimum, not increase poverty or undermine the livelihoods of the poor.

4) Poverty reduction depends on living resource conservation

Financially poor and socially and politically marginalized people depend on living species in biodiverse ecosystems for livelihoods and ecosystem services, and that their livelihoods can be improved through appropriate conservation activities

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