Escobar, Power and Visibility

4 important questions on Escobar, Power and Visibility

Two major mechanisms of development

  1. The professionalisation of development
  2. The institutionalisation of development

To what does the ''The professionalization of development'' refer to?

refers to a set of techniques and disciplinary practices through which the generation,
diffusion, and validation of knowledge are organized, managed, and controlled; in other words, the process by which a politics of truth is created and maintained.

To what does ''The institutionalization of development'' refer to?

This mechanism refers to the establishment
of an institutional field in which, and from which, discourses and techniques are produced, recorded, stabilized, modified, and put into operation.
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Keynesianism and a new growth economics theory:

  • In order to grow, economist must save and invest a certain proportion of their output.

  • Given a specific level of saving and investment: Actual rate of growth would depend on how productive the ne investment is.

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