Sen, Development as freedom

5 important questions on Sen, Development as freedom

five distinct types of freedom

  1. Political freedoms: political participation.
  2. Economic facilities: freedom of exchange and transaction of words, goods and gifts.
  3. Social opportunities: having opportunities of social engagement
  4. Transparency guarantees: transparent policies.
  5. Protective security: having a government that protects you from harm

Perspective of freedom and wealth

We need wealth to achieve the freedom, only with wealth we can realize our freedom

How can we better understand poverty of human lives?

shift our attention from income to capability deprivation because capability deprivations led to losses of ability to be a person.
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There are two arguments in favors of the market mechanism, and they need to be separated out.

  1. People have a right to undertake transactions and exchange.
  2. Markets typically work to expand income and wealth and economic opportunities and so restricting market mechanisms leads to a reduction in freedoms as a result.

Research interpretation of Sen

Sen basically is advocating the classical theory that development is the enhancement of freedom. Development beyond economic dimension and Sen includes affluent societies as subjects of development.

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