Gesmer et al. (2008) "Why some awards are more effective signals of quality than others: A study of movie awards

20 important questions on Gesmer et al. (2008) "Why some awards are more effective signals of quality than others: A study of movie awards

Where do awards provide award winners with?

With money and fame or other benefits, such as statuettes or specific privileges

How can an award function?

As a signal of quality that helps consumers and other actors in the value system in their product selection process

Where does the role of awards as signalling device seems particularly important?

In the cultural industries, where the actual quality of products is often difficult to determine prior to consumption
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What do the authors develop en empirically test?

A conceptual framework that predicts which types of awards are most effective as signals of quality in different contexts.

Which three ideal types of product selection does the selection system theory describe?

  1. Market
  2. Expert
  3. Peer selection

What is the "classical" or most commonly known selection system type?

Market or consumer selection

What is market/consumer selection?

Consumers select among the producers available based on their own judgements

What is expert selection?

Consumers may select among the products available after consideration of opinions of experts

What is peer selection?

Consumers can be guided by the evaluations of competing producers (peers) when selecting among the available products

What does the attribution theory suggest?

That in their decision-making process, consumers do not simply accept signals of quality with blind faith but attempt to assess for themselves whether the source of the cue is credible or not

What is the concept of salience

Awards with a representative jury are more salient to consumers, again because they are accustomed to paying more attention to signals of that kind.

What are salient awards assumed to be high up in?

In consumer's consideration set and thus in the end are likely to have more effect on purchase decisions than other types of awards

Why do the authors assume that in the case of mainstream films, awards of which the jury consists of other consumers will be more effective at increasing attendance than awards handed over by a jury of experts or peers?

The authors assume this is so because these consumer-selected awards are more credible and salient to the potential audience of mainstream films as they constitute signals of the same kind as those that normally influence their ticket-buying behavior, namely, opinions and choices of other consumers.

What is perhaps the most distinct characteristic of the film industry?

The uncertainty about demand

Where are the dominant criteria consumers use to evaluate the quality of a film based on?

On the enjoyment a film gives and the feeling of pleasure it evokes.

What are two other various potential signs of quality that viewers may use?

Word of mouth and film reviewers’ opinions have been identified as two of the most critical determinants of consumers’ film choice.

How is the concept of salience commonly used in marketing?

To refer to the prominence or level of activation of a brand in a consumer's memory.

Why have salient brands a higher probability of being purchased?

Because they are likely to be high up in a consumer's consideration set

What is the most important information source in the selection process in the case of mainstream movies?

Word of mouth

What is likely to be most salient in a market where reviews of experts greatly influence consumers' purchase decisons?

Awards chosen by experts (independent film segment)

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