Laursen and Salter (2006) "Open for innovation: The role of openness in explaining innovation performance among U.K. manufacturing firms

15 important questions on Laursen and Salter (2006) "Open for innovation: The role of openness in explaining innovation performance among U.K. manufacturing firms

Why do firms invest in considerable amounts of time, money and other resources in the search for new innovative opportunities?

To increase the ability to create, use and recombine new and existing knowledge

What do the authors investigate?

The influence of search strategies for external knowledge

Which two components of the openness of individual firms' external search strategies are developed?

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What do these newer models highlight?

The interactive character of the innovative process, suggesting that innovator rely heavily on their interaction with lead users, suppliers, and with a range of institutions inside the innovation system

Where is the use of different knowledge sources by an individual firm partly shaped by?

The external environment including:
  • The availability of technological opportunities
  • The degree of turbulence in the environment
  • The search activities of other firms in the industry

How is external search depth defined?

In terms of the extent to which firms draw deeply form the different external sources or search channels

Organizations often have to go through a period of trial and error to learn how to gain knowledge from an external source. What does this require?

Extensive ffort and time to build up an understanding of the norms, habits, and routines of different external knowledge channels

What are the three related reasons why over-searching may have a negative influence on performance?

  1. There may be too many ideas for the firm to manage and choose between
  2. Many innovative ideas may come at the wrong time and in the wrong place to be fully exploited
  3. Since there are so many ideas, few of these ideas are taken seriously or given the required level of attention or effort to bring them into implementation

How is the problem of too many ideas called?

The absorptive capacity problem

How is the problem of wrong time and wrong place called?

The timing problem

How is the problem of required level of attention called?

The attention allocation problem

What does the attention-based theory suggest?

That managerial attention is the most precious resource inside the organization and that the decision to allocate attention to particular activities is a key factor in explaining why some firms are able to both adapt to changes in their external environment and to introduce new products and processes.

Where are radical innovators expected to draw on?

More deeply from external sources of innovation than firms that are not radical innovator

Where are incremental innovators more likely to draw on?

More broadly (but less intensively) than non-innovators

How can the NIH syndrome be defined?

As the tendency of a project group of stable composition to believe that it possesses a monopoly of knowledge in its field, which leads it to reject new ideas from outsiders to the detriment of its performance

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