Janak (2011) "Classification of causes and effect of uploading and downloading of pirated film products

17 important questions on Janak (2011) "Classification of causes and effect of uploading and downloading of pirated film products

What does this paper cover?

Various aspects of the Internet film piracy

What is needed to successfully deal with this matter?

It is needed to recognize and explain various motivational factors related to film piracy.

What does this study propose?

  • Economical
  • Socio-psychological
  • Other factors
That could motivate individuals to engage in pirate activities
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What does this paper also studies?

The interactions between downloaders and uploaders

Which currently available technologys make the infringement very easy?

Peer-to-peer networks

What are the motivational factors for uploading?

  • Recognitions factors
  • Profit factors
  • Hacking and ripping product factors
  • Attitude factors

What are the recognitions factors?

  • Local community recognition (nickname by which he or she is recognized in the community)
  • Global community recognition
  • Camcording community recognition

What are the profit factors?

  • Make money (advertisements placed on a site)
  • Make particular data storage point
  • Fake
  • Advertise the product/webpage

What are hacking and ripping product factors?

  • Recognition factor
  • Entertainment factor
  • Challenge factor
  • Adrenaline factor

What are attitude factors?

  • Recommendation for others
  • Anti-regime
  • Against the system
  • Against company
  • Computer virus spreading

What are motivational factors for downloading?

  1. Economic factors
  2. Supply factors
  3. Social-psychological factors
  4. Other factors

What are the economic factors?

  • Price of a movie theater ticket
  • Price of buying/renting a DVD/HDDVD/Blu-ray etc.
  • Time-cost factor

What are the supply factors?

  • Delayed premiere of a movie in a given country
  • Delayed release in DVD rental offices
  • Art movies
  • Classic movies (1930's/1940's)
  • HD quality DVD
  • Political and anti-regime movies
  • Movies in short or no supply
  • Language

What are social-psychological factors?

  • Downloading for someone else in a home country
  • Downloading for someone else abroad
  • Cool factor
  • Recommendation
  • Peer-pressure
  • Anti-regime
  • Against the system
  • Against the company      

What are the interactions between downloaders and uploaders?

  1. File sharing
  2. Streaming movies websites which are illegal when the owner does not pay to the movie industry
  3. Warez website catalogues
  4. Storage websites (Direct download websites/Data storage websites)

What are the actions against movie piracy at the moment?

  1. Give 3D experience and HD
  2. On-demand internet streaming videos
  3. Incentive campaigns against fims piracy both for uploading and downloading

What are the assumptions for future development of the current situation?

  1. Unbreakable protection technology and legal solution
  2. Power film unions
  3. Internet censorship
  4. Price factor
  5. 3D movies

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