Ceccagnoli (2009) "Appropriability, Preemption, and Firm Performance

10 important questions on Ceccagnoli (2009) "Appropriability, Preemption, and Firm Performance

What is widely believed to be a central determinant of a firm's competitive advantage?

Introducing new or improved products and processes

Due to what is such competitive advantage transitory?

Due to
  • The ease with which such new knowledge can spill over to rivals
  • Eroding rents quickly either because other firms imitate the innovative firm
  • Because other firms introduce substitute products and processes

Which strategies are typically used to increase appropriability?

  • Secrecy
  • Patent protection
  • Being first to market
  • The ownership of specialized complementary marketing and manufacturing assets
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How may a patent by commonly used?

  • To commercialize an innovation (vertical integration)
  • Defend an incumbent against potential lawsuits
  • License a technology to other firms
  • Block another firm's patent  

How is preemptive patenting defined?

As the patenting of a substitute technology before rivals deter entry

Preempative patenting is based on two basic elements related to the existince of

  • Threat of entry
  • Presence of ex ante market power

When would the expected profits form preemption be null?

Without a threat of entry, when the probability of entry by R&D competitors is null

When is invention of the substitute technology always valuable to the incumbent?

If the threat of entry exist and the incumbent is a monopolist because it would preserve monopoly profits, which typically exceed both the duopoly profits that the incumbent would obtain with entry and the duopoly profits that the entrant would obtain by introducing its substitute.

When is an innovation defined as drastic?

If it makes the incumbent’s technology obsolete.

Why is preemptive patenting behavoir strategic?

Because its value is higher for firms conducting a larger fraction of R&D in response to rivals' R&D investments

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