Lichtenhaler (2011) "Open innovation: Past research, current debates, and future directions

30 important questions on Lichtenhaler (2011) "Open innovation: Past research, current debates, and future directions

What do the authors assess?

The multilevel determinants of the make-or-buy, integrate-or-relate, and keep-or-sell decisions in opening up the innovation process.

What is open innovation?

Open innovation is the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively

How is open innovation defined?

As systematically performing knowledge exploration, retention, and exploitation inside and outside an organization's boundaries throughout the innovation process
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What is inbound open innovation?

An outside-in process which involves opening up the innovation process to knowledge exploration

Where does external knowledge exploration refer to?

To the acquisition of knowledge from external sources

What is outbound open innovation?

An inside-out process which includes opening up the innovation process to knowledge exploitation

Where does knowledge exploitation relates to?

To the commercialization of technological knowledge

What is external knowledge retention?

Maintaining knowledge outside a firm’s organizational boundaries over time, using interorganizational relationships as an extension of the internal knowledge bases.

Why do firms rely on open source innovation?

To develop products that are then commercialized internally or externally, they follow an open innovation approach because the business model enables them to capture value from open innovation

Where does the conceptual framework of the author build on?

  1. Knowledge exploration
  2. Knowledge exploitation
  3. Knowledge retention
As three critical processes to arrive at an integrative view of managing knowledge in the context of open innovation.

All three processes can be organized internally or externally

What does internal knowledge exploartion describes?

The generation of new knowledge inside the firm. External knowledge exploration describes knowledge sourcing from external partners.

Where does internal knowledge retention results form?

From the need to store knowledge over time

Where does external knowledge retention relates to?

To knowledge that is maintained in a firm’s inter-organizational relationships (e.g. alliances)

What does the firm-level perspective emphasize?

The importance of developing organizational capabilities, which affect a company’s strategic decisions at the level of single innovation projects.

Whereby are the project level decisions influenced?

By the underlying attitudes of a firm’s employees at the individual level, and these attitudes may constitute important micro foundations of innovation capabilities.

What does the firm needs to build at the organizational level to generate new knowledge inside the organization?

Inventive capacity

What is inventive capacity?

Internal exploration

What is transformative ability?

The ability to internally maintain knowledge overtime (internal knowledge retention)

External knowledge retention needs to be managed over time by?

By means of connective capacity

Where does connective capacity focus on?

On externally maintaining knowledge and does not assume immediate inward knowledge transfer (long-term relationships)

Where is innovative capacity in knowledge exploitation related to?

To matching inventions with the context of their final market

Where does desorptive capacity with regard to external knowledge exploitation relates to?

To outward technology transfer

Where is desoprtive capacity complementary to?

To internal knowledge application in a firm's own products

What is the project-level decision in external knowledge exploration?

Buy decision

Where does the sell-out attitude refer to?

To positive attitude toward externally exploiting knowledge

What do these positive attitudes stem from the aim?

The aim to reduce complexity, underestimation of the managerial difficulties of absorbing external knowledge and a lack of confidence in the firm's own expertise

What is the individual attitude regarding knowledge retention (internal)

Not-connected-here attitude

Where does the not-connected-here attitude refer to?

To settings in which a firm’s employees have negative attitudes toward externally retaining knowledge

Where may relate-out attitudes be derived from?

From a strong internal focus on a firm’s core competencies and a strong emphasis on flexibility (in fields of high technological complexity and uncertainty).

What does this conceptual framework suggest?

That firms may influence their transaction costs in innovation markets over time by developing absorptive, connective, and desorptive capacities

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