Giuri et al. (2007) "Inventors and invention processes in Europe: Results from the PatVal-EU survey

20 important questions on Giuri et al. (2007) "Inventors and invention processes in Europe: Results from the PatVal-EU survey

Why does mobility have a positive impact on inventive output?

Patents of mobile inventors receive more citations

Movers are more productive than non-moving inventors, however ....

more productive inventors are less likely to move.

What are the six motivations identified of inventors to invent?

  1. Monetary rewards
  2. Career advances and opportunities for new/better jobs
  3. Prestige/reputation
  4. Inventions increase performance of the organization the inventor works for
  5. Statisfaction to show that something is technically possible
  6. Benefits in terms of working conditions as a reward by employer
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How can motivations be distinguished?

  • Social and personal motivations
  • Monetary rewards and career advances

Which motivations are on average more important?

Social and personal motivations

What are three similarities between inventors/scientists?

  1. As human capital becomes more important, the owners of this asset, whether scientist or inventor, care about things that enhance the perception of the asset's value. Thus prestige and reputation are important
  2. An individual benefits from the growth of the organization in which he works because this favors his own prestige, growth or visibility as well
  3. Unlike other professions, creativity, the search for knowledge, and the ability to show that something is possible, can be personally enticing.

What are different sources of knowledge that firms and scientists use for invention and innovation?

  • Creation of formal and informal networks of collaboration among researchers or institutions
  • Knowledge spillovers: imply access to external knowledge

When are knowledge spillovers more intense?

When there is geographical proximity

Which industries benefit to a greater extend from co-location and knowledge spillovers?

Skilled- and R&D-intensive industries

What do the results of the PatVal survey show about collaborations?

Firms tend to internalize the invention process, and to mostly coordinate internally the production of invention and transfer of knowledge among inventors.

Who do exhibit a higher share of collaborative patents? Firms or research institutions and universities?

Firms, and particularly large firms, exhibit a lower share of collaborative patents compared to research institutions and universities.

What are four types of interactions identified in the development of patent inventions?

  1. Interactions with people in the inventor’s organization, and geographically close (who could be reached in less than an hour);
  2. Interactions with people in the inventor’s organization, and geographically distant (more than 1 h distant);
  3. Interactions with people not in the inventor’s organization, and geographically close;
  4. Interactions with people not in the inventor’s organization, and geographically distant.

What do the results show about geographical proximity?

Interactions in the same organization is more important than interactions with people in other organizations, especially when they are geographically close

When are geographically localized spillovers more important?

In technological fields featuring small technology-intensive companies organized in clusters.

Which sources of knowledge are identified?

  1. Competitors
  2. Suppliers
  3. Customers
  4. Other patents
  5. Scientific literature
  6. Participation in conferences and workshops
  7. University and public research labs

Who are the most important source of knowledge for invention processes?

Customers, followed by the patent and scientific literature

Who are the least important source of knowledge?

University and public research labs are the least important source of knowledge because the distance between academic inventions and commercial patented inventions is large in most industries.

Which six uses of patents are identified?

  1. Internal use
  2. Licensing
  3. Cross-licensing
  4. Licensing and use
  5. Blocking patents
  6. Sleeping patents

What is meant with sleeping patents?

The patent is not employed in any of the uses described above. It may still have option value to the holder as an asset protecting a completely different technical approach, but it unfolds no blocking effect w.r.t. competitors.

What is the relation between entrepreneurship and patents?

Patents may be associated with the creation of new firms in their technology-based businesses and may contribute to more competition and more innovation. A patent (or a group of patents) often represents the key element around which a start-up sets its entire business.

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