Chesbrough (2006) "Open Innovation: A new paradigm for understanding industrial innovation

7 important questions on Chesbrough (2006) "Open Innovation: A new paradigm for understanding industrial innovation

What does open innovation assume?

That internal ideas can also be taken to market through external channels, outside the current businesses of the firm, to generate additional value.

Where does this approach place external ideas and external paths to market?

On the same level of importance as that reserved for internal ideas and paths to market in the earlier era

What is the closed model of innovation?

Research projects are launched from the science and technology base of the firm. They progress through the process, and some of the projects are stopped, while others are selected for further work. A subset of these are chosen to go through to the market.
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Why is this termed a "closed" process?

Because projects can only enter in one way, at the beginning, and can only exit in one way, by going to the market

What is the open model of innovation?

Projects can be launched from either internal or external technology sources, and new technology can enter into the process at various stages. In addition, projects can go to market in many ways as well, such as through outlicensing or a spin-off venture company, in addition to going to market through the company’s own marketing and sales channels.

Why is this termed a "open" model?

Because there are many ways for ideas to flow into the process, and many ways for it to flow out into the market

What are the downsides of closed innovation?

  1. Basic research generated many spillovers but limited ability to appropriate value from it.
  2. The Not invented Here syndrome (if we not inverted it, nobody will).
  3. Unused patents, ‘sat on a shelf’ led to Kuhnian anomalies; benefits of innovation accrue to the firm that financed its development, but to other firms who were able to capture the benefits.

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