Eisenmann et al. (2006) "Strategies for Two-Sided Markets

18 important questions on Eisenmann et al. (2006) "Strategies for Two-Sided Markets

What are two-sided markets/two-sided networks?

Two distinct groups of users in a network.

How do two-sided networks differ from the traditional value chain?

Cost and revenue move from left two right in a traditional value chain. In two-sided networks, cost and revenue are both to the left and right, because the platform has a distinct group of users on each side.

When does value grow?

As the platform matches demand from both sides
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What are the three challenges for managers that don't know how to deal with network effects and therefor make inappropriate decisions?

  1. Pricing the platform
  2. Winner-take-all dynamics
  3. Threat of envelopment

Why is pricing the platform a challenge?

Platform providers have to choose a price for each side, factoring in the impact on the other side's growth and willingness to pay

What is the subsidy side?

The group of user who, when attracted in volume, are highly valued by the money side, the other user group

What are cross-side network effects?

If the platform provider can attract enough subsidy-side users, money-side users will pay handsomely to reach them.

What is the challenge for the platform provieder with pricing power on both sides?

To determine the degree to which one group should be encouraged to swell through subisidization and how much of a premium the other side will pay for the privilege of gaining access to it.

Why is winner-take-all dynamics a challenge?

Platform providers must consider whether to share its platform with rivals or fight to the death

Coping with platform competition is a two-step process

  1. Executives determine whether their networked market is destined to be served by a single platform
  2. When this is the case, deciding whether to fight or share the platform - is a bet-the-company decision

What are the three conditions applied when a networked market is likely to be served by a single platform?

  1. Multi-homing costs are high for at least one user side
  2. Network effects are positive and strong - at least for the users on the side of the network with high mult-homing costs
  3. Neither side's users have a strong preference for special features

What do homing costs comprise?

All the expenses network users incur - including adoption, operation, and the opportunity cost of time - in order to establish and maintain platform affiliation

Why share a network when proprietary control promises monopoly profits once rivals are vanquished?

  1. The total market size will be greater with a shared platform. During a battle for dominance in a two-sided network, some users will delay adoption, fearing that they will be stranded with obsolete investments if they back the loser.
  2. Since the stakes are so high in battles for network dominance, firms spend enormous amounts on upfront marketing. Rivalry tends to be less intense with a shared platform, reducing marketing outlays.

To win the battle a firm needs cost or differentiation advantages. Which other 3 assets are important in establishing proprietary control?

  • PrePreexisting relationships with prospective users
  • Reputation for past prowess
  • A lot of money (deep pockets)

Why is the threat of envelopment a challenge?

The platform may be "enveloped" by an adjacent platform provider that enters your market

What is the only solution? (in many cases)

Sell out to the attacker or exit the field.

What does the threat of envelopment mean?

Being careful is crucial for focused platform provider. Formulating strategy is difficult with blurred market boundaries as envelopment can attack from any direction.

Why are focused firms not without advantages when competing with large, diversified companies?

  • Big firms can be slow to recognize envelopment opportunities
  • Big firms can be even slower to mobilize resources to exploit them
  • Envelopment requires cross-business-unit cooperation which is a significant barrier in many diversified companies

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