Rosenbusch, N., J. Brinckmann, and A. Bausch (2011), Is innovation always beneficial? A meta-analysis of the relationship between innovation and performance in SMEs
36 important questions on Rosenbusch, N., J. Brinckmann, and A. Bausch (2011), Is innovation always beneficial? A meta-analysis of the relationship between innovation and performance in SMEs
Why can smaller organizations profit by adjusting to environmental changes faster than bigger organizations?
- Due to their nimbleness (rapheid)
- Missing hierarchies
- Quick decision-making
What about small firms and their resources?
Why does the failure of an innovative product evokes existential risks for smaller firms?
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
What is the first RQ?
What is the second RQ?
How do the authors define innovation?
Which different types of innovation are distinguished as antecedents of firm performance?
- Innovation orientation of the venture
- Inputs dedicated to an innovation process --> internal input / external input
- Ouputs derived form an innovation process (patens/new products)
What does Schumpeter (1934) argue about innovation?
What is particularly advantageous for SMEs compared to large firms due to their limited size and greater nimbleness?
What is an opportunity to stand out from the competition?
In doing so, where can SMEs benefit from?
How is the product development process considered?
What does learning during the innovation process generate?
What are the further benefits of innovation?
- Learning economies
- Economies of scale and scope
- Pre-emption of limited resources
- Advantages in further innovation
- Ability to set standards
Which negative effect results can innovation have?
- Innovation causes resistances to their adoption in the innovating organization and the marketplace
- Innovation is a risky undertaking which consumes substantial resources
- The successful development and introduction of innovations depend special organizational resources and capabilities in order to generate and appropriate the benefits of innovation
- The context in which the innovating firm operates might affect the outcome an innovation has for the firm
- Innovation is a multifaceted phenomenon. Hence, it can be suspected that some forms of innovation might be more beneficial than other forms
What about innovation process input vs. innovation process output?
What are the factors that are inputs in the innovation process?
- Financial resources
- Number of people working in R&D
What are the factors that are outputs in the innovation process?
- Number of patents
- New services
- Products
- Manufacturing processes
What about innovation orientation vs. innovation process outputs
What does the strategic orientation of a firm shape?
When does innovation orientation increase performance?
- In situations of resource scarcity
- Market entry
- When facing established and more resourceful incumbent
What do the employees develop in organizations that focus on innovations?
- Increase employee satisfaction
- Help in attracting scarce talent
- Reduce employment turnover
- Increase the productivity of the firm
Where does innvoation orientation lead to?
- Positive branding effects
- The development of innovative capabilties of the firm
What is hypothesis 2b?
What about internal vs. external innovation process input?
What are the positive effects of developing innovation in conjunction with external (larger) partners?
- New and small firms rarely have resources and capabilities to respond to the innovation deamnds at any given time
- The bundling of internal and external resources enables resource-scarce SMEs to augment their capacity of delivering innovations to the market
- The likelihood of successful innovation increases and the cash-flow is augmented (although the benefits need to be shared)
- A resource-scarce SME can leverage its unique knowledge by actively configuring and reconfiguring its collaborations
- External collaborations allow to leverage an external partner's growth
What are the negative effects of developing innovation in conjunction with external (large) partners?
- The collaboration with external partners implies great complexities regarding to coordination efforts, protection of intellectual property, appropriation of rents, etc.
- SMEs might lack experience needed to manage collaborations
- SMEs can be expected to suffer from dominance of external innovation partners
- SMEs dependence on the success of these projects is high
- SMEs might suffer from a liability of smallness in competitive markets
- SMEs might experience a liability of newness lacking experience concernign who to cooperate with and how to manage external collaborations
What is positive when focusing on internal innovation development?
- Reduces complexities
- Allows expertise development
- Permits a full appropriation of innovation returns
What is hypothesis 2c?
What about firm age?
What happens when firms do not manage to adapt to environmental change and fails to keep up with competition?
Where are new venture free to?
Why is innovation recognized as a promising strategy for new ventures?
Why is there a trade-off between flexibility and specialization of assets?
Which four obstacles to innovations does innovation hinge on? (regarding the ability to adjust as an organization)
- People are prone to harvest and protect existing practices and routines that enabled their prior development
- While innovations originate often at the individual level, they need to be understood and embraced by the whole organization requiring social impetus
- Various functional groups need to make a coordinated effort hence resulting in a challenge to link the processes of organization parts to a whole
- The organization needs not only to embrace the innovation but also to transform its existing structure and practices demanding strategic leadership
What does the level of individualism determine?
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