Impressionism and Post-Impressionism - Post Impressionism - New Directions in Sculpture and Architecture

4 important questions on Impressionism and Post-Impressionism - Post Impressionism - New Directions in Sculpture and Architecture

What can you tell about sculpture in the 19th century?

Sculpture did nothing new for the most part of the 19th century. This changed with Auguste Rodin.

Who was Auguste Rodin?

  • Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) was the most influential sculptor of the 19th century.
  • He studied walking nude models, to capture the human body in motion.
  • Known for his works of The Thinker (1879-1889) and The Kiss (1886-1898).

What can you tell about the Eiffel Tower?

  • Constructed in 1889, by Gustave Eiffel.
  • Initially hated by many Parisians.
  • The new techniques of a metal skeletton paved the way for the later skyscrapers.
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Who was Louis Sullivan?

  • Louis Sullivan (1856-1924) was an American architect.
  • Used new techniques of a metal skeletton to build higher buildings, like the Wainwright Building in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Said: ""Form follows function" and "The Function of all functions is the Infinite Creative Spirit."
  • For Sullivan, the primary function of a building was to elevate the spirit of  those who worked in it.
  • His ideas led to a new school of Functionalist architecture.

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