Baroque Age - Baroque Outside Italy - Literature

6 important questions on Baroque Age - Baroque Outside Italy - Literature

Name the main difference between Renaissance and Baroque literature.

Renaissance writers were often content to catalog the beauties of the beloved.
Baroque writers explore the mysteries of love, both erotic and divine.  Overall Baroque writers spend considerably more time exploring their relationship to God, often in passionate and dramatic terms.

What do you know about John Donne?

  • John Donne (1572-1631), is considered among the best poets of the Baroque age, and maybe of all time.
  • Wrote prose as well as verse.
  • Known for fusing disparate reals of experience.
    • Like using concrete reality to illuminate a spiritual condition.

What do you know about Anne Bradstreet?

  • Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) was the first major poet in American literature.
  • Nowadays she's best known for her domestic lyrics.
  • In her own day she was known for her historical poems based on the four ages of humanity.
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What do the philosophical poems of John Donne, the domestic lyrics of Anne Bradstreet and the paintings of Vermeer, except from all being Baroque art, have in common?

Their art embodies near perfection of form and idea.

What has the art of architect Berinini, painter Rubens, poet John Milton, and composers Bach and Handel, have in common, apart from all being Baroque art?

They all worked on a grand scale, attuned to the epic.

What can you tell about John Milton?

  • John Milton (1608-1674) was a poet from the Baroque age.
  • He worked on a grand scale, attuned to the epic.
  • Combined ideals of classical humanism and biblical morality.
  • Life can be divided in three parts:
    • In the first period he prepared for his vocation and published his elegy on the death of a drowned friend, Lycidas.
    • from 1640-1660 he was political involved (Puritans) and wrote prose instead of poetry.
    • In the last 15years of his life he wrote his most ambitious works, among them was Paradise Lost.

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